


Second World War at Sea
Strait of Magellan

The stormy waters at the Southern Cone of the Americas saw very little fighting during the Second World War. But that didn't keep staff officers from the South American navies and the Royal Navy from wondering what would happen if the Axis fleets did penetrate into the region. U.S. Army Chief of Staff Gen. George C. Marshall considered a Japanese attempt to damage or destroy the Panama Canal to be the likely opening move of a war in the Pacific, making the sea lanes around Tierra del Fuego vital to the Allied war effort.

Strait of Magellan is a supplement for the Second World War at Sea series. There are ten scenarios, or separate game situations, based on battles that might have taken place in these waters, but ultimately did not. This module is not playable by itself, but requires ownership of our Cone of Fire, Midway and Bismarck games and our East of Suez supplement.

Strait of Magellan is sold via .pdf download OR in a printed edition.

Stock Code: 1810 (printed); 1512 (download)

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