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Third Reich Variants
More Options for Third Reich and Great Pacific War
By Steve Cabral
July 2013

Having loved the Avalon Hill Game Company’s Third Reich, I looked forward to the Avalanche Press version but did not start playing it until recently. I’ve discovered that the redesign of the classic is brilliant; bad ideas are gone, replaced by great ideas. To put some extra icing on the cake I submit for your enjoyment a few new variant rules of my own.

4.37 Sustained Headquarters Offensive Impulse Chit (Cost: 8 BRPs)

This rule introduces a new, optional type of impulse chit: Sustained Headquarters Offensive (SHQ). Germany, the Soviet Union and the Western Allies can purchase SHQ chits, which you can download here.

An SHQ chit acts just like a normal HQ Offensive chit (4.1), except that it can activate any one friendly HQ on the board of the owning player’s choice, including (but not limited to) an HQ that has already activated this turn (it can activate again; this is an exception to the rule that each unit can only activate once per turn).

Britain, France and the U.S. have restrictions on which HQ an SHQ chit can activate (see below). Eligible friendly and allied units within four hexes of an HQ activated by an SHQ chit can activate and perform an HQ Offensive action (4.32), including (but not limited to) units that have already activated this turn (they can activate again; this is an exception to the rule that each unit can only activate once per turn). When the impulse is over, the owning player places the SHQ chit on the impulse track in the second box after the last chit placed (skip a box).

Britain, France and the U.S. have one SHQ chit each, and can only use them when using the optional rules for Leaders from the Avalanche Press website (Germany and the Soviet Union do not have this restriction).

The British SHQ chit can only activate a British HQ that is stacked in the same hex with Leader O’Connor at the time the chit is drawn. The U.S. SHQ chit can only activate an American HQ that is stacked in the same hex with Leader Patton at the time the chit is drawn. The French SHQ chit can only activate an HQ that is stacked in the same hex with Leader de Gaulle at the time the chit is drawn, and cannot activate Vichy units. If a British, French or American SHQ chit is drawn and the required leader is not stacked with a friendly HQ at the time, no unit or HQ can activate and the drawing player places the chit on the impulse track as above and draws another.

Germany is limited as to how many SHQ chits she can purchase per turn, as follows:

Condition German SHQ Chits Available
Germany does not control Praha, Warsaw or Paris 0
Germany controls Praha but not Warsaw or Paris 1
Germany controls Praha and Warsaw but not Paris 2
Germany controls Praha, Warsaw and Paris 3

Starting in Spring 1942, reduce the SHQ chits Germany may purchase each turn by one if she does not control either Moscow, Leningrad or Stalingrad.

Starting in Spring 1943, reduce the SHQ chits Germany may purchase each turn by two if she does not control any two of these three cities. The number of SHQ chits Germany can purchase per turn cannot go below zero.

The Soviet Union may purchase up to one SHQ chit per turn starting in Spring 1942, and up to two SHQ chits per turn starting in Spring 1943.

Players may not purchase SHQ chits when playing Great Pacific War. They are available for purchase in Third Reich and can be purchased for the Europe cup (only) in Second World War. All restrictions in section 4.22 apply to SHQ chits (for example, a major power that purchases a General Offensive chit may not place any SHQ chits in the same cup with it on the same turn).

9.45 Naval Evacuation

If a port hex is attacked in ground combat and the defending ground units there conduct a mandatory retreat (9.41) or do so voluntarily (9.42), and if there are any LC or SURF factors in the port hex with them at the time, then the ground units may board the eligible naval units and move to another port with them per the forced displacement rules (6.71). Normal capacity rules apply (10.11), so for example a 4 SURF unit cannot evacuate ground units. Air units cannot retreat via naval evacuation. Naval units may perform evacuation even if they activated previously this turn. So, a player can use strategic redeployment or a Naval or General Offensive impulse chit to move LC and/or SURF units to a port, and then evacuate ground units that retreat from that port on the same turn.

22.46 More Weather

All Russian Winter rules apply to all hexes of Poland and Sweden.


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