and Gluckstein Revisited
Part One
By Kristin Ann High
August 2019
Scharnhorst and Gneisenau were arguably
the most active capital ships of the Kriegsmarine,
in which regard they were worthy successors
of their namesakes, the armoured cruisers
of Vice Admiral Maximilian Graf von Spee's
East Asia Squadron (see Cruiser
Warfare). The pair operated
together through the first two years of the
Second World War, and only became separated
after the failure of the Channel Dash, in
February 1942.
Although defined by most contemporary publications
and intelligence reports as battlecruisers,
the ships were classed upon completion as
battleships [1] by the German Navy. While
the French Dunkerque and Strasbourg [2] were
certainly a modern take on the Croiseur de
Combat, the German ships were an admixture
of the Reichsmarine's Panzerschiffe and the
Imperial Navy's Great War Schlachtkreuzern.
More heavily armoured than the Panzerschiffe,
four to six knots faster to match the French
ship, their main battery mounted an improved
model of the 11-inch rifle. Although eminently
suited to the Panzerschiffe rôle — it
was far more powerful than any Treaty Cruiser's
main battery rifle — the 11-inch rifle
was simply inadequate for surface combat
between capital ships. It was inferior in
every respect to both the French 13-inch
and British 15-inch, much less the more modern
French 15-inch and British 14-inch rifles
then being developed for those navies' new
capital ships.
Therein lies one of the more useful "what
if..." arguments of naval warfare. Both
German battlecruisers were designed to carry
the new-model German 15-inch naval rifle,
the same rifle that eventually armed Bismarck and Tirpitz. The impact of a heavy rifle
on the two ships has far-reaching effects
on sea battles in every theatre of war.
The difference between the 11-inch rifle
and the 15-inch rifle is stark [3]. The new-model
11-inch rifle fired an APC round weighing
728 pounds. (330 kg). The 15-inch rifle fired
an APC shell weighing 1,764 pounds (800 kg).
For shells having similar ballistic profiles,
fired at contemporary pressures, the difference
in shell weight — and therefore in
kinetic energy — between the 11-inch
shell and the 15-inch shell directly effects
shell penetration. Moreover, the German 11-inch
APC shell had a bursting charge of roughly
15 pounds, while the 15-inch APC shell had
a bursting charge of roughly 41 pounds, almost
three times the explosive capacity.
During the opening months of the war, the
first of the Kriegsmarine's two operational
Schlachtshiffe were employed for traditional
surface action against the Royal Navy. Their
first war operation was an attack on the
ship's of the Royal Navy's Northern Patrol,
constituting the Allied Blockade Line, intended
to relieve pressure on Admiral
Graf Spee.
They next sortied in an attempt to intercept
British convoys between Great Britain and
Norway. Their crowning moment as a battleline
came while serving as covering forces for
the German sea, air, and land assaults on
Denmark and Norway.
Employed as commerce
raiders, they made one raid into the Atlantic,
achieving modest results. Their final operation
together was the failed Channel Dash, which
left both ships crippled and which doomed Gneisenau. Scharnhorst recovered,
and went on to perish in a desperate action
in the Arctic Ocean.
Diversionary Attack
Scharnhorst and Gneisenau saw their first
action in November 1939, as part of a surface
action force ordered to engage the Allied
ships of the Northern Patrol (see Bismarck,
Operational Scenario Four, "First Sortie").
The Battle Fleet Commander, Admiral Wilhelm
Marschall, commanded the operation in person,
flying his flag from Scharnhorst. The heavy
ships were screened by the light cruisers Köln and Leipzig, and the destroyers Bernd von
Arnim, Erich Giese, and Karl
Galster, under the command of the BdA [4] in person,
Vizeadmiral Hermann Densch. Scharnhorst was
commanded by Kapitän-zur-See (Kpt.z.S.)
Kurt Hoffmann, Gneisenau by Kpt.z.S. Harald

Scharnhorst in early 1939.
The OKM plan was to prosecute a vigorous
attack against the Northern Patrol by fleet
elements in strength, alarming the British
Admiralty and forcing it to weaken the Allied
hunting groups in the South and Central Atlantic,
to guard against the possibility that the
Battle Fleet operations were covering the
break out of additional raiders, possibly
even Scharnhorst and Gneisenau. This might
be enough distraction to permit Admiral Graf
Spee, raiding in the South Atlantic (see Cone of
Fire), to break through to Germany.
Marschall appears to have interpreted his
orders rather differently than Raeder and
the OKM had hoped. Instead of striking with
his whole squadron against the Northern Patrol
at several points, he decided upon hit-and-run
strikes against the weakest elements of the
Northern Patrol, using only one of his heavy
ships at a time. Marschall's post-action
report to OKM stated that he hoped in this
way to sow maximum confusion, while exposing
his ships to minimal risk. In respect of
confusion, at least, he succeeded, though
more from the natural mistakes of the British
than by his own stratagem. The Admiralty
was still of the opinion that Deutschland was
at large in the North Atlantic, and the ships
of the Northern Patrol were watching for
Marschall detached the screening cruisers
and destroyers on the 22nd, leaving Densch
in command, and proceeded with Scharnhorst and Gneisenau in
search of the British blockade cruisers. The
next day, 23rd November 1939, he found one
in the Iceland-Faröes Gap — the
auxiliary cruiser [5] Rawalpindi,
under the command of a 60 year-old, retired
Royal Navy captain, Edward Coverley "Bulldog" Kennedy.
Marschall kept Gneisenau out of sight over
the horizon, and went ahead with Scharnhorst to attack the British ship.
As his lookouts sighted Scharnhorst, closing
in, Kennedy ordered Action Stations and signaled
the Admiralty he was in action against a
German raider — he believed it was Deutschland [6]. He turned Rawalpindi to meet the German ship, hoping
to close the range and inflict what harm
he could. It was not to be. Scharnhorst put
several 11-inch salvos onto Rawalpindi, sending
her down. As Rawalpindi was sending her last
signals, the 'Town'-class 6-inch cruiser Newcastle appeared on the horizon, making
flank speed in heavy seas. Marschall fled,
taking the two battlecruisers north into
a band of foul weather.
The foul weather further helped Marschall
avoid the surface action he was ordered to
force — Newcastle could
not make out much more of Scharnhorst than had the doomed Rawalpindi, and nothing at all of Gneisenau.
Having driven the raider off, she did not
pursue, a single 6-inch cruiser unsupported
being considered no match for a Panzerschiff.
The Admiralty were now certain they had found Deutschland, and mobilized the Fleet to guard
egress from the North Sea to the Atlantic,
and to hunt the raider.
After sinking Rawalpindi, Marschall sailed
further north. According to German sources
[7], Marschall moved back above the Arctic
Circle, into the Norwegian Sea [8], to take
up a pre-arranged "waiting position" and
observe the effects of his sortie; from there
he could decide where to strike next. Given
his own conduct of the engagement — Marschall
fled from a single warship that could do
his two ships little harm, and which was
moreover properly a target of his orders — given
Raeder's scathing commentary on Marschall's
conduct and courage, and the weight of professional
opinion, it may well be that Marschall was
simply looking for a chance to bolt for Germany.
The Admiralty reacted swiftly to the report
of Deutschland at
the gates of the North Sea. The old 'D'-class
6-inch cruiser Delhi,
already nearby, was first to reach Newcastle and
join the hunt. The 'Town'-class 6-inch cruiser Sheffield sailed
from Loch Ewe, picking up an escort of three
destroyers from Scapa Flow en route. The
old 'C'-class 6-inch cruisers Calypso and Ceres were
ordered to take over the watch on the Iceland-Faröes
Gap, with the 'County'-class 8-inch cruisers Norfolk and Suffolk detached
from the Denmark Strait patrol to reinforce
them. The 'Queen
battleship Warspite was
detached from inbound convoy HX.9 to replace
the 8-inch cruisers at the Denmark Strait.
To watch the Faröes-Shetlands passage,
the 'C'-class 6-inch cruisers Caledon,
and Colombo were despatched, to be reinforced
by the old 'D'-class 6-inch cruisers Dunedin and Diomede coming up from Belfast.
The modern 6-inch cruiser Aurora, and the
modern 'Town'-class 6-inch cruisers Edinburgh and Southampton, sailed with the 'Tribal'-class
destroyers Afridi and Gurkha, and the 'K'-class
destroyer Kingston, from the Firth of Forth,
all headed for the Iceland-Faröes gap.
The the 'Tribal'-class destroyer Bedouin was ordered to patrol the Pentland Firth
[9]. Outbound convoy ON.3,
having just departed, was recalled, and the
three destroyers of its escort were ordered
to join the 'Town'-class 6-inch cruiser Glasgow and, together with another two destroyers
off Norway, intercept the German passenger
liner Bremen.
Four submarines already on patrol were ordered
to watch the Skagerrak, and all available
submarines in the north were ordered out.
Finally, the C-in-C Home Fleet, Admiral
Sir Charles Morton Forbes, KCB, DSO, RN [10],
sortied from The Clyde to support these forces
with his flagship Nelson, her sister Rodney,
the 'County'-class 8-inch cruiser Devonshire,
and seven destroyers, mostly the 'F'-class
ships of the 8th Destroyer Flotilla. Devonshire was ordered ahead to scout towards Bergen [11].
To cover the possibility that Deutschland had broken out of the North Sea, the battlecruiser Repulse and the fleet carrier Furious were
ordered out from Halifax, Nova Scotia. A
French Force de Raide, commanded by Vice
Amiral Marcel Gensoul, sortied from Brest
on the 25th, rendezvousing with the British
battlecruiser Hood, screened by the destroyers Exmouth,
Echo and Eclipse, out from Plymouth.
Vice Amiral Marcel Gensoul's hunting hroup
thus comprised two battlecruisers, two 6-inch
cruisers, two large destroyers, and three
modern fleet destroyers. All of Gensoul's
ships were capable of making close to 30
knots — Hood was
the slowest — which
was sufficient to catch Deutschland.
Gensoul's powerful hunting group patrolled
south of Ireland.
Satisfied that he had executed his mission,
Marschall used the end of a major North Sea
storm to pass south through Norwegian territorial
waters on the night of the 26th-27th, and
returned to Germany.
Under the prevailing anxiety over Deutschland's whereabouts
and the appalling weather a number of merchant
ships succeeded in running the Allied blockade
to Germany. A total of nine ships of 48,850
GRT were able to run the Allied blockade,
thanks to the distraction afforded by Scharnhorst and Gneisenau.
No effect of any kind was had on the hunt
for Admiral Graf Spee, as the Allies were
reacting to what they believed was another
pocket battleship, rather than a major sortie
by the German Battle Fleet. One auxiliary
cruiser was sunk by Scharnhorst, and the
operation accomplished some disruption of
North Atlantic convoy operations.
German sources which declare victory for Marschall's
operation base much of their claim on the
passage of those nine merchant vessels through
the blockade lines — including one
ship which actually passed an inspection
by Sheffield — and the despatch of
major Allied surface forces to hunt Deutschland.
They point out that the Allies were fooled
into hunting a ship already safe in German
Merchant ships, however, are not pocket
battleships. The Royal Navy's inattention
to blockade duty was a consequence of its
focus on guarding the passages from the North
Sea into the North Atlantic, which are likewise
the passages from the North Atlantic into
the North Sea. Admiral
Graf Spee was in the
far South Atlantic, many days sailing from
the North Sea. For Marschall to have accomplished
his orders, he would have to have attracted
a great deal more attention than he managed;
in this regard, the misidentification of Scharnhorst for Deutschland worked against
the OKM's intent. To attract the kind of
focus Raeder intended, Marschall would have
to strike hard at several points against
ships of the Northern Patrol; not simply
risking a single surface engagement, but
forcing several.
A Serious Threat
Given the power of the German battlecruisers,
it is quite possible that Scharnhorst could
have dealt with Newcastle in short order
as she came up in answer to Rawalpindi's signal. One or two more such attacks on the
Northern Patrol, while Forbes chased after
the faster German squadron with Nelson and Rodney, and Furious and Repulse hurried from
Halifax, might have sown enough confusion
to result in an Allied concentration in the
wrong place for just enough time.
This is a slim reed to hang a passage from
the South Atlantic on, however. The Allied
superiority in surface warships was overwhelming.
Despite believing they were hunting the elusive Deutschland, rather than a surface battle
group led by Scharnhorst and Gneisenau, the
Allies still mustered ample forces to deal
with both battlecruisers, while still reinforcing
the Northern Patrol for any other German
surface ships attempting to break out of
the North Sea. Vice Admiral Gensoul's Hunting
Group was just fast enough to catch Marschall
up, and certainly powerful enough to hurt
him, but it was not so overwhelmingly superior
that the outcome was certain on either hand.
To achieve his full purpose, Admiral Marschall
would have needed to hit the Allies hard
enough for them to recognize, or at least
suspect, that there was another German raider
or raiding group at large. The danger of
a breakout, or of a surface action squadron
covering the return of Deutschland — or
even of Admiral Graf Spee — would have
stretched Allied naval forces in both the
North and South Atlantic. With Newcastle and Rawalpindi believing they had fought Deutschland, an attack on Newcastle and Delhi by the two German battleships ships operating
together might have sufficiently alarmed
the Admiralty to accomplish the OKM's objectives.
As it was carried out, Marschall's sortie
against the Northern Patrol reaped limited
rewards for limited risk; Scharnhorst and Gneisenau returned unscathed — in fact,
unnoticed — from their first sortie,
but the Allies were hardly the worse for
it, and Admiral Graf Spee was doomed, with
or without her captain's foolhardy bravado
in the estuary of The Plate.
The only aspect of this first operation
where heavier armament would have been a
factor lay in the potential for surface
action with Vice Admiral Gensoul's hunting
group — there was no real possibility
of running afoul of Warspite in
the Denmark Strait, as that passage lay too
far to the west of the Kriegsmarine's operating
bases, and no support vessels were at sea
to allow the two heavy ships to operate as raiders.
In the case of the Anglo-French hunting
group, the impact of heavier main battery
rifles on the German ships is significant.
Gensoul's ships could just stay with Marschall's
squadron, provided they were willing to leave Hood astern,
leaving Dunkerque,
the cruisers, and the destroyers to try and
overtake the German ships. Gensoul commanded
more destroyers, and his modern light cruisers
were superior to the older German ships. Dunkerque and Hood both
possessed the range and rifle power to batter
all of the German ships to pieces without
undue expose to return fire, and neither
ship was particularly vulnerable to the 11-inch
rifles of the German battleships in any event.
The powerful new German 15-inch rifles planned
for Scharnhorst and Gneisenau,
however, were easily equal to the Allied
main battery in every respect, and posed
a serious threat to both Allied battlecruisers,
as Bismarck would
demonstrate to deadly effect in the Denmark
Strait on 27th May 1941.

Scharnhorst firing
on the British aircraft carrier Glorious,
June 1940. The photo was taken from Gneisenau.
[1] The German is quite
specific. Schlachtschiffe means literally "battle
ships" (the
singular is Schlachtschiff), while Schlachtkreuzer
means literally "battle cruiser" (the
plural is Schlachtkreuzern). Great War-era
armoured cruisers, like Admiral Graf von
Spee's Scharnhorst
and Gneisenau, were Großer
Kreuzer, literally"great cruiser".
Light cruisers like von Spee's Leipzig, Nürnberg, and Dresden, were Kleiner Kreuzer, literally "small
cruiser". With the emergence of the
8-inch "treaty cruiser" after the
Washington Naval Treaty, cruisers became
generally divided into light and heavy types,
principally based on their main battery.
The German for "light cruiser" was
Leichter Kreuzer, literally "light cruiser",
and the "heavy cruiser" was Schwerer
Kreuzer, literally "heavy cruiser" (the
plurals are Leichter Kreuzeren, and Schwerer
Kreuzeren, respectively).
[2] The two French ships
provided the Reich government—now led
by Adolph Hitler — with
the political justification to build Scharnhorst and Gneisenau, necessary in the German
Chancellor's view to keep relations with
Great Britain friendly. Although the French
protested violently over the two German "improved" Panzerschiffe,
the British concluded a unilateral Naval
Treaty with Germany.
[3] While the popular notion
of summing up "weight of broadside" to
calculate fleet power is fallacious—firing
nine 2,000 lb. shells "sends a massive
broadside of 18,000 lbs. of steel hurling
towards the enemy", but unless a shell
hits, this impressive feat amounts to 0 lbs.
of steel on target — the weight of
an individual shell is of the first order
of importance in surface naval warfare, for
it determines the armour penetration and
bursting charge capacity of the shell.
[4] The Befehlshaber der
(BdA), the Commander of Reconnaissance Ships
or Forces; a commodore commanding light forces
employed to scout or screen heavy ships.
[5] These ships are known
by a great many names, but their general
lines are the same — merchant
hulls, commonly passenger ships or large
freighters, armed with a miscellany of old
naval rifles and perhaps some depth charges
or torpedoes, commanded by retired or passed-over
regular Navy officers, with the remaining
crew usually reservists.
The German merchant raiders were called
Handels-Stör-Kreuzer (HSK), "commerce
disruption cruisers"; the Royal Navy
employed the term auxiliary cruiser, although
many later British histories use the term
auxiliary merchant cruiser (the German histories
use Hilfskreuzer, "auxiliary cruiser" for
the Allied ships); the most widely used term
is armed merchant cruisers, and is from that
usage that the Second
World War at Sea Ship
Type derives — AMC.
Whatever they were called, they were no
match for a warship — except perhaps
one crewed by Australians — and certainly
not for two battlecruisers.
[6] Two Panzerschiffe had
sortied from Germany during the crisis of
August 1939 to take up waiting positions
in the Atlantic. These were Deutschland and Admiral
Graf Spee. As is so often the case
in such situations, crews see what they are
expecting to see; Rawalpindi had been told
that the Admiralty believed — correctly
as it turned out — that Deutschland was operating in the North Atlantic. Deutschland's first war cruise was desultory
at best, at least in part because the North
Atlantic was alive with Allied warships. Deutschland returned to Germany via the Färoes-Shetlands
Gap, anchoring in Gotenhafen 17th November
[7] Chronik
des Seekrieges 193–1945, by Jürgen Rohwer with
Gerhard Hümmelchen,
Württembergische Landesbibliothek, Stuttgart,
2007. See also: "".
[8] Rohwer uses the German
Nordpolarmeer, literally North Polar Sea;
I believe this refers to the Norwegian Sea,
but it may be that the German ships sailed
into the extreme North of the North Sea,
rather than the southern portions of the
Arctic Ocean. Whatever the case, the German
ships sailed above the Arctic Circle (Nordpolarkreis),
a considerable distance for two such short-legged
ships to sail just to "wait" — German
sources are also silent as to what Marschall
was waiting for.
[9] The heavy ships of
the Home Fleet were at Greenock, in The
Clyde, after U.47 sank Royal Oak in the
Fleet anchorage at Scapa Flow on 14th
October 1939. There was thus a slim but extant
chance that a German ship could slip
through the Firth, though it would have taken
a good deal of luck to manage.
[10] Forbes
served as C-in-C Home Fleet until February
of 1940, at which time he was relieved
by Acting Admiral Sir John Cronyn Tovey;
Forbes went to Plymouth as FOC Plymouth Command,
a typical assignment for a former C-in-C
Home Fleet before retirement. Forbes got
his DSO for actions at Jutland.
[11] Norway
was neutral at this stage of the war, just
as she had been in the Great War. She was
struggling to keep both the Allies and
the Germans from disregarding her territorial
waters, and she was largely unsuccessful
in her attempts.
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Continued in Part Two.
here to order Bismarck and
Scharnhorst and Gneisenau in