Historical Studies
At Avalanche Press, we put the story first: the history (and sometimes the alternative history) that underlies our games. While all of our games center that, with plenty of context for the events portrayed, our line of Historical Studies takes that concept much deeper. Each Historical Study includes two separate books: one 128-page book describing the history of the battle or campaign, and another book with the game rules, scenarios and such. The history is also sold separately..
Here’s what we have:

Second World War at Sea:
Ironbottom Sound/Solomons Naval Campaign
The bitter naval and air campaigns around Guadalcanal and the Solomon Islands would decide the outcome of the Pacific War. Solomons Naval Campaign tells the story of the campaign and the ships, planes and men that fought it. Ironbottom Sound is a scenario book for South Pacific with 36 new scenarios fcovering the Tassafaronga operation, the Japanese evacuation of Guadalcanal, and the New Georgia campaign. Full package $45.99; Solomons Naval Campaign only $30.99.
This Historical Study is not yet available.
You can order Ironbottom Sound Historical Study right here.
That’s both history and scenarios.
Please allow an extra six weeks for delivery.
You can order the Lower Solomons book right here.
That’s just the stirring history.
Please allow an extra six weeks for delivery.
Panzer Grenadier: Black Panthers/Separate, But Heroes
The segregated African-American 761st Tank Battalion fought Jim Crow and the Nazis. Our book, Separate, But Heroes, tells their story along with that of other segregated African-American units and a general history of Race in America. Black Panthers Second Edition is an expansion for Elsenborn Ridge with 24 new playing pieces for the Black Panthers, and 36 scenarios featuring the 761st and other segregated units that courageously fought for their country. Full package $45.99; Separate, But Heroes only $30.99.
This book is not yet available.
Note: This is a new and enlarged edition of the Black Panthers we published in 2021, with much more history and more scenarios.
Great War at Sea:
Swan of the East/East Asia Squadron
The outbreak of World War One found the German East Asia Cruiser Squadron trapped on the opposite side of the Earth from their home. East Asia Squadron tells the story of the squadron and its doomed voyage across the Pacific to a fatal encounter off the Falkland Islands, shown in the game Great War at Sea: The Far Side of the World. Swan of the East extends the story, using pieces from The Far Side of the World and Jutland 2e, and the maps from Second World War at Sea: Eastern Fleet and Horn of Africa to tell the story of German commerce raiding in the Indian Ocean through 36 new scenarios. Full package $45.99; East Asia Squadron only $30.99.
This Historical Study is not yet available.
Infantry Attacks:
Edelweiss Division/Limanowa 1914
In December 1914, the Austro-Hungarian 3rd and 4th Armies, including the elite 3rd “Edelweiss” Mountain Division, defeated the Russian 3rd and 8th Armies and ended the Russian attempts to capture Krakow and break through the Carpathian Mountains to invade Hungary. Limanowa 1914 tells the story of the Battle of Limanowa and the armies that fought the campaign. Edelweiss Division brings the story to your game table, with 88 new die-cut, silky-smooth playing pieces. You’ll need Fall of Empires and Franz Josef’s Armies to play all 30 scenarios. Full package $54.99; Limanowa 1914 only $30.99.
This Historical Study is not yet available.