


Panzer Grenadier (Modern)
Tactical Combat in the Cold War Era

Panzer Grenadier moves to a new era with Panzer Grenadier (Modern). The basics are the same: units are platoons and batteries, leadership is vital, and the side with the better morale and initiative is the one on which to bet.

You can get a head start by downloading the series rulebook right here.

Complete Games
1967: Sword of Israel
Cold War: Fulda Gap 1968
Vietnam: Khe Sanh 1968

IDF: Israel Defense Forces

Campaign Studies
Voice of the Arabs
1970: Black September

Complete Games
Everything you need to play every scenario.

1967: Sword of Israel
Israel takes on the armies of Egypt, Syria and Jordan in 48 scenarios. Fighting takes place in Sinai, on the West Bank and on the Golan Heights: massive tank battles, parachute assaults, close infantry fights. With eight maps, 48 scenarios and 869 die-cut, silky-smooth playing pieces and of course the Panzer Grenadier (Modern) series rules with full-color play aids. In Playbook format.

Cold War: Fulda Gap 1968
The war the world expected and planned to fight as the Soviet Eighth Guards Army storms across the border to take on the West German III Corps and American V Corps. With four maps, 40 scenarios and 517 die-cut, silky-smooth playing pieces and of course the Panzer Grenadier (Modern) series rules with full-color play aids. This game is not yet available.

Vietnam: Khe Sanh 1968
One of the Vietnam War's fiercest campaigns took place in Quang Tri Province over the first half of 1968, as U.S. Marine, U.S. Army and South Vietnamese units fought the North Vietnamese and Viet Cong. With four maps, 40 scenarios and 517 die-cut, silky-smooth playing pieces and of course the Panzer Grenadier (Modern) series rules with full-color play aids. This game is not yet available.

Expansion Books
Add more fun!

IDF: Israel Defense Forces
A book telling the story of the Six Day War and the armies that waged it, plus 264 die-cut, silky-smooth , silky-smooth pieces displaying the Israeli units from Sword of Israel in an alternative, blue-and-gold color scheme.


Campaign Studies
Brief books adding 10 or so new scenarios to one of our games, plus background articles on the campaigns and the armies that fought them.

Voice of the Arabs
In June 1967, Cairo's official state radio station Voice of the Arabs claimed great victories for the Egyptian and Jordanian armies. The set of 11 scenarios, plus historical background and two battle games, is based on this fantasy triumph - the actual claims of Voice of the Arabs, in scenario form. Requires 1967: Sword of Israel.

1970: Black September
In September 1970, the Royal Jordanian Army attempted to eject the Palestine Liberation Organization from Jordan, prompting the Syrian Arab Army to intervene. 1970: Black September is based on these battles between Jordan on one side and Syria and the PLO on the other, and Jordan’s victory over Israel in the 1968 Battle of Karameh. The book includes 10 scenarios, plus historical background and two battle games. Requires 1967: Sword of Israel. This Campaign Study is not yet available.

Golden Journals
Our little publication exclusively for the Gold Club.

No. 32: Four-Five Commando
Britain’s Royal Marines intervene in the Six-Day War, just like some defeated Egyptian officers claimed amid the excuses offered.  You get 24 new die-cut and silky-smooth playing pieces and six new scenarios for Panzer Grenadier (Modern): 1967 Sword of Israel, plus the usual history and background stuff that you love.

No. 66: Heavy Tanks
Giant tanks roam the Fulda Gap in this expansion, with 32 new pieces for the American M103 and MBT70 and Soviet T10 and IT-1 and 20 scenarios. This Journal is not yet available.



River Battleships
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Black Panthers
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Elsenborn Ridge
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Britain's Battle of the Bulge
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Eastern Front Artillery
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