


Panzer Grenadier:
The Korean War

While Panzer Grenadier is primarily focused on the Second World War, it also includes conflicts that took place before and after the 1939-1945 war. In June 1950 the North Korean People’s Army (NKPA) surged into South Korea, to be met at first by Republic of Korea (ROK) Army troops and then U.S. Army reinforcements rushed in from Japan. The fighting continued until 1953; the war has never ended.

Pusan Perimeter
The North Korean People's Army surges across the Pusan Perimeter against the determined but outgunned South Korean and American defenders. There are 48 scenarios, four new maps and 517 playing pieces. $79.99.

Needed to play: Nothing else.

You can read more about Pusan Perimeter here.

You can order Pusan Perimeter here.

Counter Attack
United Nations forces spearheaded by U.S. Marines break out of the Pusan Perimeter, land at Inchon, liberate South Korea and conquer most of North Korea. Sixty-two scenarios, six new maps, and 517 playing pieces. $89.99

Needed to play: Nothing else.

You can read more about Counter Attack here.

You can order Counter Attack here.

Battles for Seoul
A history/analysis/ scenario book for Pusan Perimeter and Counter Attack, with 30 new scenarios, a dozen battle games and plenty of background and analysis on the Korean War between the First Battle of Seoul (June 1950) and the Second Battle (September 1950). $24.99 This book is not yet available.

Needed to play: Pusan Perimeter, Counter Attack

You can read more about Battles for Seoul right here.