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Defiant Russia:
Stalin’s Stalingrad

Defiant Russia is a fast-playing and fun game of the 1941 Axis invasion of the Soviet Union. Red Victory is an expansion adding the 1944-45 campaigns.

But what about the years in between?

Stalingrad is the expansion set for Defiant Russia that you never knew you wanted. Stalingrad adds a whole list of fun new things to turn Defiant Russia/Red Victory into an even better gaming experience:

● New scenarios for 1942 and 1943.

● A new combined campaign scenario stretching from 1941 through 1945.

● A cool little map for northern Finland, and pieces for the armies that fought there.

● A map of Manchuria and pieces and scenarios for 1939, 1941 and 1945.

● One map (it includes both of the above).

● The setup cards and such for those new scenarios.

● 140 new pieces, never seen before.

Defiant Russia is easy to play (“roll a six!”) so the campaign game is one that actual humans can play and complete within their lifespan. And then we add Manchuria, which plays best as an add-on worry for the Soviet player. You can play it separately, but it’s much more fun in the broader context.


Stock Code APL8825

Price: $39.99

Status: Coming Soon!

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Defiant Package
      Defiant Russia (Playbook)
      Red Victory
Retail Price: $74.98
Package Price: $60
Gold Club Price: $48
You can experience the Defiant Package right here.



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