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Panzer Grenadier
Kursk: South Flank

In July 1943, history's greatest tank battle erupted when the German Army hurled 50 divisions at the Red Army around the city of Kursk, including 17 panzer and panzer grenadier divisions with over 3,000 tanks. Long aware of German plans, the Soviets were ready and waiting, with heavily fortified lines backed by 3,600 tanks of their own.

Kursk: South Flank is a stand-alone game in the Panzer Grenadier series: You do not need any other game in the series to play any of the 40 scenarios. Design is by Panzer Grenadier veteran Mike Perryman.

In this game the German SS Panzer Corps assaults the lines of the Soviet 40th Army, only to meet fierce counter-attacks from the Sixth Guards Army and First Tank Army. Pieces include masses of tanks: Lend-Lease Grants, T-34 tanks in three models, T-70 light tanks and more. The SS counter with Tigers, mobile artillery and a whole lot more.


There are four semi-rigid mapboards, just like those found in other other Panzer Grenadier games.


Stock Code: APL0320

Retail Price: $89.99

Status: Available Now

Click here to order South Flank right now.
Note: This game has no box.




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