Grenadier: Sinister Forces
A Preview
By Mike Bennighof, Ph.D.
January 2013
Sinister Forces was the first �supplement
with pieces� we published for
the Panzer Grenadier system. Sinister
Forces concentrates on the Eastern Front,
1941-1942, with some scenarios taking place
at other times and places. It includes 35
scenarios and 165 die-cut and mounted
playing pieces. Here�s a look at some
of the more unusual of them.

Gamers and history buffs have always been
fascinated by German use of captured enemy
tanks and armored vehicles; I�ve never
really understood why. They were usually not
as good as German models, and even for superior
vehicles, maintaining them proved pretty much
impossible. Mechanics could not get their
hands on spare parts, ammunition often proved
hard to come by, and many times the tanks
only fell into German hands in the
first place because they�d already suffered
some kind of breakdown.
The Pz 747r is the Soviet T-34/76; the Germans
lumped all models under this one designation.
Official figures are always very low for overall
totals of this tank in German service, but
anecdotal evidence and unit records indicate
that front-line units often put them to use
and ran them hard until they broke down for
good. The SS Viking Division was one of these;
other SS units took T-34/76 tanks into action
at Kursk.
French armored vehicles, on the other hand,
were carefully cataloged and issued with the
same bureaucratic care as standard-issue German
vehicles. The Pz B2 is the Char B-1 bis heavy
tank with only minor modifications for German
service. This tank had a 75mm howitzer in
its forward hull for infantry support, and
a 47mm gun in a turret to fight tanks. It
also had reasonably thick armor for 1940,
when it served as one of France�s main
battle tanks.
It was too slow for widespread use under
German doctrine, and of course there was that
maintenance problem. Some of them were converted
to flamethrowing tanks, with a flamethrower
in place of the 75mm gun, and were designated
Pz B2 flamm (shortened to B2f to fit on our
game piece). Examples of both types went to
Yugoslavia with the 7th SS Mountain Division.

The NKVD�s OMSBON commandos represent
highly trained specialists, many of them former
soccer players (but they were tough soccer
players � really). They were armed with submachine
guns and knew how to use them. This unit is
has the highest firepower of any infantry
piece yet presented in the Panzer Grenadier
Partisans, on the other hand, were armed
with whatever came to hand: discarded weapons
salvaged from the battlefield, stolen German
weapons, Red Army issue infiltrated to them
by air. Strict Party rules stated that unarmed
men and women were not to have their lives
thrown away needlessly, and partisans who
went into battle almost always did so well-armed.

While many (actually, almost all) of the
SS formations portrayed in Sinister Forces are inept warriors on their best days, the
Norwegian skiers and Finnish mercenaries were
quite accomplished, especially the Finns,
and so are represented by their own game pieces.
The Finnish units, while officially equipped
by the Waffen SS, had acquired large numbers
of submachine guns from Finnish Army sources
to increase their firepower.
the obsession with the modern, the Waffen
SS also had a weak spot for the horse. Cavalry
regiments in the old Imperial Army, and to
a lesser extent in the new Nazi state�s
regular Army, represented bastions of privilege
where officer rolls were filled with noble
predicates. By forming its own cavalry units,
the Waffen SS hoped to project the image of
a class-free society, where farmers and working
men could ride and fight � and in particular,
participate in equestrian sports � just
like counts and dukes. The SS cavalry was
never very good as a battlefield force, but
then, neither was the regular Army�s

While Waffen SS troops were not generally
as capable as their regular comrades during
this period, the opposite was true for the
Soviet Union�s political troops. NKVD
rankers served three years rather than the two
put in by the regular army, and they contained a
much higher proportion of party members.
NKVD rifle and machine gun platoons were
organized similarly to those of the Red Army.
They are more capable in game terms due to
their greater training and experience, though
the weapons are usually about the same. NKVD
units do have a higher proportion of machine
gunners than Red Army line units; there�s
a reason we called this book Sinister Forces.
The anti-tank rifle platoons appeared in
very late 1941, in both the Red Army and NKVD.
Unlike other armies, Soviet practice concentrated
these weapons (usually 14.5mm) in their own
units, with regiments sporting a company of
them. While useless against actual tanks,
they could be devastating against lightly
armored vehicles like half-tracks and armored
The 220mm mortar
was a huge piece produced in 1915 by Schneider-Creusot
for the French Army. A number of them were
captured by the Germans in 1940, and the next
year were issued to the Police Division�s
artillery regiment. The big mortar was difficult
to transport and had a shorter range than
a standard heavy artillery piece, but the
SS stood behind the Army at the time for deliveries
of artillery pieces, and the Police Division
in turn stood behind the �real�
SS divisions.
divisions did not include their own organic
artillery, though they sometimes had Red Army
corps- or army-level assets attached to them.
The heaviest weapons on the NKVD roster were
light mortars and anti-tank guns. To make
up for this shortcoming, NKVD divisions and
brigades did usually have several armored
trains attached, and these were often more
modern than their Red Army counterparts.
Volkswagen�s Kubelwagen was used by
the Army as a staff car, but the Waffen SS
seized on it as a means to create �fast�
motorized units. By late 1942, several of
the divisions had �fast� motorized
infantry regiments using these heavy cars
instead of trucks. The Waffen SS units that
went to the Eastern Front in 1941 were almost
all motorized, but they had been issued French
trucks that suffered very high breakdown rates
on the rough Russian roads and could not be
easily repaired due to a lack of spare parts.
The Kubelwagen could be obtained far more
easily than military-grade German trucks,
a sector where the Army had a stranglehold
on new production. And Volkswagen had a close
relationship with the National Socialist Party
and the SS in particular, with an enthusiasm for "expendable" slave labor that shocked even SS liaison officers.

Armored personnel carriers came in several
types, with the light SPW 250 and medium SPW
251 the most common for carrying infantry.
Waffen SS units with halftracks during the
period covered by Sinister Forces were
almost exclusively reconnaissance troops,
who usually had the light SPW 250. And it�s
a model we haven�t seen before in the
Panzer Grenadier series, so we wanted
to include it.
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