


Panzer Grenadier (Modern)
1970: Black September
A Campaign Study

In March 1968, the Israel Defense Forces launched a raid into Jordanian territory at Karameh, meeting strong resistance from the Royal Jordanian Army aided by Palestinian fighters, who forced the IDF to withdraw. Jordan’s King Hussein allowed the Palestine Liberation Organization to take credit for the victory, thereby avoiding the direct confrontation with Israel that his kingdom could not win, but also giving the PLO a rallying point. PLO recruits poured into Jordan from all over the Middle East, and threatened to overthrow Hussein while the Royal Army eagerly sought the excuse to expel them. By September 1970 the king had had enough and ordered his army to take action, prompting the Syrian Arab Army to intervene with a full division sent over the border under PLO colors, where they fought a series of fierce battles against the Jordanians. PLO terrorists joined the fray by attacking Western interests held to be the king’s supporters.

Black September is a Campaign Study for 1967: Sword of Israel based on these battles: between the Jordanians and Israelis at Karameh in 1968, between the Jordanians and Syrians at Irbil in 1970, and between the Jordanians and PLO in 1970.

Black September adds 10 new scenarios to 1967: Sword of Israel, split into two chapters, each with a battle game to link the scenarios together. This being an Avalanche Press product, there’s also the background story of these fierce but little-discussed battles of Arab against Arab. You’ll need 1967: Sword of Israel (and only 1967: Sword of Israel) to play all 10 scenarios.


Stock Code: APL1857

Price: $14.99

Status: Coming Soon!

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