


Panzer Grenadier
Korean Armies
A Korean War ScenarioBook

The Korean War opened on 25 June 1950, with the North Korean invasion of their neighbor South Korea, and ended 37 months later with an armistice between the warring nations; no formal peace treaty has as yet been reached. During those three years, just over 6.1 million men served and just under one million were killed in action. About one-third of those who served, and over half of those killed, came from Korea.

Panzer Grenadier: Korean Armies is a history/analysis/scenario book for two Panzer Grenadier games, Korean War: Pusan Perimeter and Korean War: Counter Attack, with its focus on the ROK (Republic of Korea, or South nKoreas) Army and the North Korean People’s Army (the NKPA). We tell the stories of these two armies and the new nations that fielded them, and add another 30 scenarios to those two games focused on the ROK and NKPA.

Actions involving ROK (South Korean) forces got a little overlooked in Pusan Perimeter and Counter Attack; Korean Armies includes fighting involving American troops but finally gives the ROK their due as well. There are no additional pieces; the two core games have plenty of those already.

Note: This book was originally to be titled Battles for Seoul.


Stock Code APL8809

Price: $29.99

Status: Coming Soon



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