


Panzer Grenadier:
North Wind

As 1945 began, German and American troops struggled in the wooded hills of the Ardennes. To the south of this "Battle of the Bulge," the Germans launched a separate offensive, designed to divert American reinforcements away from the key sector and inflict as many casualties as possible.

Operation North Wind indeed caused a great many casualties — though more to the Germans, who also could afford them less. But despite a number of tactical defeats, the Americans held their ground and protected the symbolic French city of Strasbourg without drawing troops away from the Battle of the Bulge.

North Wind is a supplement focusing on the battles from the last German offensive in the Western theater. There are ten scenarios, or separate game situations, based on battles between the inexperienced American divisions of the Seventh Army and German units varying wildly in quality from inept volksgrenadiers to the tough 10th SS Panzer Division.


This module is not playable by itself, but requires ownership of our Road to Berlin, Battle of the Bulge,and Eastern Front games and our Red Warriors and Iron Curtain supplements. Each scenario has its own card in a spiral-bound booklet.

This supplement is no longer in print.

Stock Code: 1801 (printed); 1524 (download)



American Strongpoint Markers
Scenario 5 Tactics
Designer's Notes