


Panzer Grenadier
1940: The Last Days of May
A Campaign Study

After hard fighting in Belgium and northern France, the French Army began to crumble in late May 1940 under relentless German attack. Yet individual French units continued to fight against the invaders, exacting a frightful price from the hated Boches.

1940: The Last Days of May is a Panzer Grenadier Campaign Study. with 11 scenarios from the final days of the German invasion of France, in two chapters, each with a battle game to link the scenarios together. You’ll need Panzer Grenadier: 1940 The Fall of France and Road to Dunkirk to play all of the scenarios.


Publisher’s Preview
Scenario Preview, Part One
Scenario Preview, Part Two

Stock Code: APL1847

Price: $14.99

Status: Now Available!

You can order 1940: The Last Days of May right here.





1940: The Fall of France
Buy it here