Golden Journal Number 38:
Alternative Dreadnoughts
Several times a year, when we feel like it, the Golden Journal brings Gold Club members a set of extras for their Avalanche Press games. Our new-model Golden Journal features a “real” booklet, just like a small magazine, and a small set of die-cut, silky-smooth playing pieces.
Our 38th issue features proposed versions of an all-big-gun battleship for the Royal Navy, what eventually became the revolutionary HMS Dreadnought. Just how revolutionary this new battleship should be was a serious question, and some alternatives were less revolutionary than that actually selected, and a couple were actually more revolutionary.
We study six alternatives: a variation on the semi-dreadnought Lord Nelson armed with fast-firing 10-inch guns; a Lord Nelson with eight 12-inch guns, an somewhat enlarged Lord Nelson with twelve 12-inch guns, a new-design battleship with a dozen 12-inch guns in “stacked” superfiring turrets, a smaller version with just eight such guns (with the turrets still stacked) and the design actually chosen, more revolutionary than the Lord Nelson variations but less so than the “stacked” ships.
Golden Journal No. 38: Alternative Dreadnoughts has 20 new die-cut and silky-smooth playing pieces, with all of those variant dreadnoughts for your gaming pleasure. Along with the design histories, you get some new scenarios for Jutland so you can try these ships in combat against the High Seas Fleet’s pre-dreadnoughts.
How do you get it? Only by joining the Gold Club – join up and we’ll tell you how. There’s a shipping charge for it, but it’s so lightweight that it usually adds nothing to the shipping total when you order it with something else.

Limit one copy per membership.
Stock Code: APL6038
Price: $15.99
Status: Available NOW
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