Golden Journal Number 37:
Heavy Metal
Several times a year, when we feel like it, the Golden Journal brings Gold Club members extra stuff for their Avalanche Press games. Our new-model Golden Journal features a “real” booklet, just like a small magazine, and a small set of die-cut, silky-smooth playing pieces.
Our 37th issue features massive German and British tanks that either never left the drawing board, or did so too late to have an impact in the Second World War.
As the Dozen-Year Reich spiraled toward its final destruction, designers drafted ever-large armored vehicles. Germany’s enemies responded with their own useless designs. Adding those huge tanks to Panzer Grenadier is the theme of Golden Journal No. 37: Heavy Metal.
You get 49 die-cut-and-mounted pieces that originally appeared in our long out-of-print Secret Weapons book. Yes, Panzer Maus joins the Jubilee, plus the Tiger III, Flakpanzer Coelian, the Panther II, Flakpanzer Kugelblitz, the X7 anti-tank missile and the Me1099 ground-attack jet. The British get the Tortoise ultra-heavy tank, the Black Prince merely heavy tank and the Centurion I.

You also get seven brand-new scenarios, with a battle game to link them together. British and German giant tanks clash in the wooded hills of the Ardennes. You get to make explosion sounds. A lot of explosion sounds.

You’ll need Liberation 1944 and Elsenborn Ridge to play all of these scenarios.

How do you get it? Only by joining the Gold Club – join up and we’ll tell you how to get it.
Limit one copy per membership.
Stock Code: APL6037
Price: $14.99
Status: Available Now!
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