Golden Journal Number 35:
Viribus Unitis
Several times a year, when we feel like it, the Golden Journal brings Gold Club members a set of extras for their Avalanche Press games. Our new-model Golden Journal features a “real” booklet, just like a small magazine, and a small set of die-cut, silky-smooth playing pieces.
Our 35th issue features Austro-Hungarian battleships, the proud fleet flagship Viribus Unitis and her sisters, the projected Ersatz Monarch class-dreadnoughts that would have followed them, and the Radetzky-class semi-dreadnoughts that came before them.
We study alternative designs for all three classes: the 10-gun version of Viribus Unitis, offering better stability; the fast version of Ersatz Monarch, and the “almost-dreadnought” version of Radetzky. Plus the projected but never-built fourth unit of the Radetzky class.
And then we raise another question: why did Austria-Hungary built dreadnoughts at all? Graft and inefficiency made the Dual Monarchy’s big ships much costlier than equivalent ships built in Britain or Germany. With the land forces starved for funds, the millions of crowns poured into the very expensive naval building programs could have provided for badly-needed new artillery and additional divisions.
A handful of voices called for selling the big ships to Austria’s allies, and so we also have the four dreadnoughts in German colors and the three semi-dreadnoughts in Turkish livery.
Golden Journal No. 35: Viribus Unitis has 20 new die-cut and silky-smooth playing pieces, with all of those variant dreadnoughts and semi-dreadnoughts for your gaming pleasure, plus additional scenarios for Jutland and Wine-Dark Sea so you can play with them.
How do you get it? Only by joining the Gold Club – join up and we’ll tell you how. There’s a shipping charge for it, but it’s so lightweight that it usually adds nothing to the shipping total when you order it with something else.
Limit one copy per membership.
• Publisher's Preview
Stock Code: APL6035
Price: $12.99 (Gold Club members only)
Status: Available Now!
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