Golden Journal Number 30:
Caspian Princes
Several times a year, when we feel like it, the Golden Journal brings Gold Club members a set of extras for their Avalanche Press games. Our new-model Golden Journal features a “real” booklet, just like a small magazine, and a small set of die-cut, silky-smooth playing pieces. Our 30th issue features an alternative-history naval campaign from our Second Great War setting, with Imperial Russian and Ottoman Turkish flotillas waging a war that never happened on the Caspian Sea.
Caspian Princes is a complete Second World War at Sea game. You get everything you need right here in this little package (or in the attached download) including the complete Second Edition rules and charts for Second World War at Sea. There are 30 die-cut and silky-smooth playing pieces (10 “long” ship pieces and 20 standard-sized square ones) and a small (8.5x11-inch) map of the Caspian Sea. Plus scenarios and story.
The Turkish squadron has two small coast-defense ships and three small destroyers; the Russians have one coast-defense ship and four destroyers. Both sides have small air forces (two air units apiece) and some lesser warships (minelayers and minesweepers). It’s a tiny campaign, but it’s all there.
In the Second Great War setting, Woodrow Wilson’s late 1916 efforts to negotiate an end to the Great War (a thing that really happened) have borne fruit and allowed the great empires of Europe to survive for another generation (a thing that did not actually happen). War returns in 1940 on all the world’s oceans – and the land-locked Caspian Sea.
How do you get it? Only by joining the Gold Club – join up and we’ll tell you how to get it.
• Airbases, Ship Data
• Map Preview
• Modifiable Ship Data
Stock Code: APL6030
Price: $12.99 (Gold Club members only)
Status: Available Now!
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