


Golden Journal Number 28:
British Aircraft Carriers

Several times a year, when we feel like it, the Golden Journal brings Gold Club members a set of extras for their Avalanche Press games. Our new-model Golden Journal features a “real” booklet, just like a small magazine, and a small set of die-cut, silky-smooth playing pieces. Our 28th issue brings increased British naval air power to Second World War at Sea: Eastern Fleet. You get 15 new ship pieces and 10 additional aircraft to test out the effects of such reinforcements.

Of the three nations operating aircraft carriers during the Second World War, Britain trailed the United States and Japan in number of ships, numbers and quality of aircraft embarked, operational doctrine and operating procedures. That makes things rough for the British player in Eastern Fleet, who must dodge the powerful First Air Fleet and seek an opportunity to strike back and slip away.

Our British Carriers variant redresses some of that disparity. We give the Eastern Fleet a few additional carriers, enough firepower to steam out of their secret base and attempt to tackle the First Air Fleet head-on – a British battle of Midway, fought in the Indian Ocean. And they get some additional aircraft to fly off of their new ships; not very good airplanes, but that’s what the Fleet Air Arm was flying in 1941 and 1942.

In addition, we have a few updated pieces for Eastern Fleet – the Kongo-class fast battleships with their proper firepower, the Greek cruiser Averoff brought more in line with her actual capabilities (or lack of them), and a pair of corrected British ships just because.

Our little magazine-like booklet includes the stories of these ships, and of course new scenarios for Eastern Fleet so you can use them on the game board.

You need this. But how do you get it? Only by joining the Gold Club.

Limit one copy per membership.


Stock Code: APL6028

Price: $14.99 (Gold Club members only)

Status: Available Now

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