


Sea of Iron:
Pocket Battleships

This downloadable expansion set, exclusively for Gold Club members, puts its focus on the the designs considered by the German Navy for their Deutschland class armored cruisers, the famous “pocket battleships.” You get 20 new Second World War at Sea pieces, with six different versions of the ships plus the original design for the Scharnhorst class.

Design studies took two variant paths: an armored coast-defense ship for operations close to its bases, and a long-range commerce raider (the variant eventually chosen).

Our “Alternatives for Deutschland” variant gives you all three ships eventually built in all six variations. Some hewed to the restrictions of the Versailles Treaty; most did not. The designs range from heavily-armored ships with 15-inch guns to unusual heavy cruisers with 8-inch main batteries. And of course we have some Plan Z-related scenarios and scenario modifications for their use.

How do you get it? Only by joining the Gold Club – join up and we’ll tell you how to get it for FREE.

Note: This product is a digital download. Pieces require assembly.

Alternatives for Deutschland
Ship Data

Stock Code: APL1573

Price: FREE (Gold Club members only)

Status: Downloading Now!

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Plan Z. $49.99
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