Island of Death
Sitting astride the Mediterranean sea lanes,
Malta stood in the way of Axis dreams of
world dominion. To conquer North Africa,
Italian and German troops would have to take
the island. To hold on in Africa and turn
back the rising tide of evil, the British-Maltese
garrison would have to hold out against overwhelming
of Death is a game based
on German and Italian plans to capture
the strategic island, a battle that never
actually took place. Now Fortress
Malta extends the game to look at other alternative
plans and defenses. It is not playable by itself; you will need
Island of Death to enjoy
the scenarios from Fortress Malta.
New variations include:
The 1940 Italian plan to invade Malta. With a single division and a handful of Libyan
paratroopers, Air Marshal Italo Balbo proposed
a radical strike at the outbreak of war.
While the invading force was slender, so
was the defense.
Mercury over Malta. The German plan to
strike Malta instead of Crete in May 1941,
with 7th Flieger Division.
Italian Airborne Corps. Drop both the Nembo and Folgore divisions on Malta, and see what Italy's finest can do without the Germans holding them back.
Alternate Attackers. Axis planners had numerous options available to them, and you get to try them out: additional German paratroopers, another Italian division, captured Soviet tanks in German service, and more.
Plus the book includes looks at Italian
and German planning for the Malta invasion,
the British garrison and Malta's place in
World War II history as well as historical background
and design notes. With 420 (!) playing pieces, this turns a small game into
a major study of the invasion of Malta, with
vast re-play opportunities.
Note: This product is a digital download. Pieces require assembly.
• Publisher's Preview
• Pieces of Fortress Malta
• Italy's Marines
Stock Code: APL0826
Price: $19.99 download; free to the Gold Club
Status: Now Available!
You can download Fortress Malta right here.
It’s $19.99, but if you’re a Gold Club member, it’s free to you as part of the Golden Library (there’s no Gold Club discount or freeness through Wargame Vault).
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Golden Chipboard
Ten (10) chipboard sheets, slightly thicker than the ones we use for game pieces, for use in pasting up your own counters from our downloadable games and expansions.
You can order Golden Chipboard right here.