Panzer Grenadier: Elsenborn Ridge
In late December, 1944, German panzers rolled into
the wooded hills of the Ardennes in eastern Belgium,
striking a final blow against the American troops
forcing their way toward German territory. Elsenborn
Ridge covers the fierce fighting on the “north shoulder” of the Battle of the Bulge between
the U.S. First Army and the German Sixth SS
Panzer Army and Fifth Panzer Army. The heroic stand
at St. Vith by 7th Armored Division, the “panzer
graveyard” of Krinkelt, the destruction of
1st SS Panzer Division — it's all here, and
Elsenborn Ridge is a stand-alone game in
the Panzer Grenadier series: You don’t need any other game in
the series to play any of the 35 scenarios. These
include fierce tank battles and infantry actions,
including the failed drive of Jochen Peiper’s battle
group toward the Meuse River, 3rd Armored Division’s
destruction of 2nd SS Panzer Division, the American
stand along Elsenborn Ridge and the collapse of
the 106th Infantry Division.

Pieces include American paratroopers, German Tiger
II tanks, American P47 fighter-bombers, German Nebelwerfer
rocket launchers, and much more. Both German regular
army and Waffen SS troops are present. There are
four semi-rigid mapboards, created by artist Guy Riessen.
Elsenborn Ridge’s Playbook edition has completely revised scenarios, with eight battle games to link them together. It comes with a scenario book and everything else you need to play expect for dice and a box.
Stoch Code APL0715
Price: $84.99
Status: Available NOW!
here to purchase this game!
British Bulge Package
Liberation 1944 (Playbook ed)
Elsenborn Ridge
Britain's Battle of the Bulge
Retail Price: $190.97
Package Price: $150
Gold Club Price: $120
You can experience the British Bulge right here.

Add More Fun!
Panzer Grenadier: Black Panthers/Separate, But Heroes
The segregated African-American 761st Tank Battalion fought Jim Crow and the Nazis. Our book, Separate, But Heroes, tells their story along with that of other segregated African-American units and a general history of Race in America. Black Panthers Second Edition is an expansion for Elsenborn Ridge with 24 new playing pieces for the Black Panthers, and 36 scenarios featuring the 761st and other segregated units that courageously fought for their country. Full package $45.99; Separate, But Heroes only $30.99.
This book is not yet available.
Note: This is a new and enlarged edition of the Black Panthers we published in 2021, with much more history and more scenarios.
You can order the Black Panthers Historical Study right here.
That’s both history and scenarios.
Please allow an extra six weeks for delivery.
You can order the Separate, But Heroes book right here.
That’s just the exciting history.
Please allow an extra six weeks for delivery.
Panzer Grenadier: Spearhead Division
Twenty-five new scenarios for Elsenborn Ridge (and only for Elsenborn Ridge) focused on the U.S. Army's crack 3rd "Spearhead" Armored Division, with four "battle games" linking them together plus 88 die-cut, silky smooth playing pieces showing the Spearhead Division in its own special livery. $35.99
You can order Spearhead Division right here.
Winter Wonderland
The four maps from Elsenborn Ridge, but in a snow-covered scheme for that cold December feeling. $25.99
You can order Winter Wonderland right here.