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Second World War at Sea
Coral Sea: Defending Australia
A Campaign Study

In the Battle of the Coral Sea in May 1942, the U.S. Navy thwarted the Japanese attempt to seize Port Moresby on the south-east coast of New Guinea. From there, Japanese planes could have ranged over the Coral Sea and supported landings on the north-east coast of Australia.

That didn’t happen; the Americans would win again at Midway a month later and bring an end to Japan’s offensive capability. Coral Sea: Defending Australia looks at how the Imperial Japanese Navy might have proceeded in the Coral Sea following a victory in the battle of the same name and a draw at Midway, and how the Royal Navy might have responded to this threat.

Coral Sea: Defending Australia is a Campaign Study: a short book including a dozen scenarios (four operational scenarios, eight battle scenarios) in which the British Eastern Fleet defends Queensland from the Japanese.  You’ll need Coral Sea and Eastern Fleet to play the scenarios.


Publisher's Preview
The Story
Modifiable Ship Data

Stock Code: APL1832

Price: $14.99

Status: Now Available!

You can order Defending Australia right here.

Australian Seas Package
      Coral Sea (Playbook)
      Eastern Fleet (Playbook)
      SWWAS: Islands
      Defending Australia
Retail Price: $167.96
Package Price: $135
Gold Club Price: $108
You can experience the Australian Seas Package right here.
This package is temporarily unavailable.


Midway Deluxe
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