any dying organism, the Nazi regime lashed
out against its enemies during late 1944 and
early 1945. Along the southern portion of border between
France and Germany lay the plain of Alsace
and the city of Strasbourg. The province of
Alsace and its political capital, Strasbourg,
had been annexed by the Germans in 1871, returned
in 1918 and retaken by the Germans in 1940.
The city in many ways represented the prestige
of France and its capture would exercise an
immense influence over Allied operations in
the battles that raged across the plain in
the closing months of the Second World War.
Alsace 1945 covers the American
offensives of November and December 1944 and
the desperate German counterattack in January.
The game system, covers these three battles
in scenarios requiring only a few hours to
play. A fourth covers a hypothetical German
emphasis on the attack in Alsace rather than the actual main effort in the Ardennes
(the so-called “Battle of the Bulge”).
With 140 game pieces and one 22x17-inch map,
the game covers the battles at the regimental
and battalion level and includes the effects
of outside political and military events,
the biggest being the Ardennes offensive.
The following scenarios are included:
• The Alsace Offensive. As the Allied armies closed up everywhere
on the German border in November 1944, it
seemed that the war was nearing the end. It
was no different in the American Seventh Army
sector where the XVth Corps attemped to drive
the Germans back north of Strasbourg.
• Drive to the Westwall. The American November offensive ground to
a halt with few gains for the losses suffered.
After reorganizing, the Americans resumed
their drive toward the Westwall on the 5th
of December. German forces had been stretched
thin as the High Command ordered mobile formations
transferred out of the area to prepare for
the upcoming offensive in the Ardennes. Those
remaining had been bled white by the American
attacks. With the new 12th Armored Division
on loan to Patton’s Third Army, where
it replaced the worn out 4th Armored Division,
the two American corps attacked north in the
morning hours.
• Operation NORDWIND. The Ardennes offensive stretched the American
Seventh Army’s front as units spread
out to hold territory previously held by units
of the Third Army sent north to attack the
southern flank of the German penetration of
the Allied lines. With the German advance
stalled, Hitler looked for an opportunity
to strike a blow against the Allies and came
up with the Alsace region of France where
the Germans believed the Americans were especially
• Wacht am Rhein South. The only real chance the Germans had of seriously
disrupting the Allies on the Western Front
was to attack in the Ardennes and Alsace as
close together as possible. This scenario
presumes that the German High Command was
able to bring together the necessary units
and supplies without the Allies suspecting
an attack was in the works. Even assuming
complete ineptitude on the part of the Allied
intelligence community, the Germans would
have had a difficult time assembling the forces
required to mount a credible attack in Alsace.
Unlike the American defenders to the north,
the Seventh Army was actively advancing, even
if only with a portion of its strength.
Alsace 1945 includes 140 game pieces and one 22x17
inch map.
Stock Code APL0028
Price: $29.99
Status: Available Now.
You can order Alsace 1945 right here.
More Fun!

Alsace 1940
It’s a Gold Club exclusive, a downloadable expansion set with 140 pieces and new scenarios set in our alternative history known as the Second Great War.
Ancient Wonders
Alsace 1945
Gazala 1942
Retail Price: $59.98
Package Price: $45
Gold Club Price: $36
You can experience Ancient Wonders right here.