Panzer Grenadier (Modern):
1967: Sword of Israel (Playbook edition)
In June 1967, Israeli forces struck first against the Egyptian, Syrian and Jordanian forces massing on their borders for a final invasion of the Jewish state. For six days, battle raged along all fronts with the Israelis inflicting massive defeats on their Arab foes before the United Nations brokered a cease-fire agreement.
1967: Sword of Israel is a military history board game based on the battles of the 1967 Six-Day War, in which Israel held off and then defeated the combined armies of Egypt, Syria and Jordan. There are 48 scenarios, portraying each of the important battles that took place in this war that set the course of modern history.
The game system is based on the very popular Panzer Grenadier system, and will be instantly familiar to anyone who’s played any of the games in that series. Units represent platoons of tanks and infantry, batteries of artillery and anti-tank or anti-aircraft guns, and flights of three to five helicopters or aircraft. The scenarios tell the story of the Six-Day War in our story-arc format, with historical background to put the action in context and battle games to tie the scenarios together. There are eight new maps, and 869 die-cut, silky-smooth playing pieces.

This game is packaged in Playbook format (a game within a book). It does not include dice or a box.

1967: Sword of Israel includes:
• Eight 11x17-inch heavy cardstock maps
• 869 die-cut, silky-smooth playing pieces
• 48 scenarios

Stock Code: APL0718
Price: $149.99
Status: Now Available!
You can order Sword of Israel (Playbook edition) right here.
1967 Package
1967: Sword of Israel
Voice of the Arabs
Journal No. 32: Four-Five Commando
Retail Price: $184.97
Package Price: $145
Gold Club Price: $116
Acquire the 1967 Package right here.
Expand Your Fun!
Voice of the Arabs
In June 1967, Cairo’s official state radio station Voice of the Arabs claimed great victories for the Egyptian and Jordanian armies. The set of 11 scenarios, plus historical background and two battle games, is based on this fantasy triumph - the actual claims of Voice of the Arabs, in scenario form. You’ll need 1967: Sword of Israel (and only 1967: Sword of Israel). $14.99
You can order Voice of the Arabs right here.
1970: Black September
In September 1970, the Royal Jordanian Army attempted to eject the Palestine Liberation Organization from Jordan, prompting the Syrian Arab Army to intervene. 1970: Black September is based on these battles between Jordan on one side and Syria and the PLO on the other, and Jordan’s victory over Israel in the 1968 Battle of Karameh. The book includes 10 scenarios, plus historical background and two battle games. Requires 1967: Sword of Israel. $14.99 This Campaign Study is not yet available.
IDF: Israel Defense Forces
A book telling the story of the Six Day War and the armies that waged it, plus 264 die-cut, silky-smooth , silky-smooth pieces displaying the Israeli units from Sword of Israel in an alternative, blue-and-gold color scheme. $40.99. This book is temporarily unavailable.
Golden Journal No. 32: Four-Five Commando
Britain’s Royal Marines intervene in the Six-Day War, just like some defeated Egyptian officers claimed amid the excuses offered. You get 24 new die-cut and silky-smooth playing pieces and six new scenarios for Panzer Grenadier (Modern): 1967 Sword of Israel, plus the usual history and background stuff that you love. This is a Gold Club exclusive - join here!