Panzer Grenadier
1942 Moroccan Division
In May 1940, German panzer divisions attacked the Soviet Union, beginning a two-year campaign that finally ended in the summer of 1942 with the defeat of the Stalinist regime. Immediately afterwards, Germany’s supreme leader turned his attention to the Western allies, Britain and France, beginning the lengthy conflict that would become known as the Long War.

1942: Moroccan Division is a Panzer Grenadier expansion, set in this alternative history (it’s a sequel to 1942: The Defense of France). The Moroccans, seen in our 1940: Swallows of Death book (which covers their actual battles in 30 scenarios), have received the weapons the French Army hoped to soon issue to its troops. The French defeat in 1940 precluded that, but that’s not the case here: the Moroccans (and the French, too) have the MAS40 semi-automatic battle rifle, the AMX38 light tank, the 75mm TAZ 39 anti-tank gun, and better artillery, too. They can stand toe-to-toe with the Germans, and in these scenarios, that’s exactly what they proceed to do.

To play those scenarios, you’ll need a few other items:
1940: The Fall of France. This is a large, complete Panzer Grenadier game with 40 scenarios of its own plus eight maps and lots of pieces. This is where you’ll find the game rules and the maps you’ll need, plus a lot of the pieces.
Kursk: Burning Tigers. This is also a large, complete Panzer Grenadier game with 40 scenarios from the “northern flank” of the June 1943 Battle of Kursk; you’ll need this game for some German pieces.
Elsenborn Ridge. This is another large, complete Panzer Grenadier game with 40 scenarios from the “northern flank” of the Battle of the Bulge; you’ll need this game for some German pieces.
1940: Swallows of Death. This is an expansion for 1940: The Fall of France, a book with pieces for Moroccan troops fighting for France and 30 more historical scenarios.
1942: The Defense of France. This is a downloadable expansion for 1940: The Fall of France, with 88 pieces that you’ll have to assemble yourself (just like the pieces that come with this expansion), and ten more scenarios.

1942: Moroccan Division is an expansion set, not a complete game. It’s a download; you’ll have to assemble the pieces yourself.
Note: This product is a digital download. Pieces require assembly.
Stock Code: APL1581
Price: $15.99 download; free to the Gold Club
Status: Now Available!
You can download 1942 Moroccan Division right here.
It’s $15.99, but if you’re a Gold Club member, it’s free to you as part of the Golden Library (there’s no Gold Club discount or freeness through Wargame Vault).
Click here to join the Gold Club
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La Campagne 1940
1940: Road to Dunkirk (boxed)
1940: The Fall of France (Playbook ed)
1940: The Last Days of May
1940: Swallows of Death
Retail Price: $247.96
Package Price: $200
Gold Club Price: $160
You can order La Campagne 1940 right here.
This package qualifies for Gold Club Free Shipping (another $36 off!)
Golden Chipboard
Ten (10) chipboard sheets, slightly thicker than the ones we use for game pieces, for use in pasting up your own counters from our downloadable games and expansions.
You can order Golden Chipboard right here.