


Gales of November
Updates and Variants for Weather in Bismarck
By Steven Ford High
August 2017

Unlike previous games in the Second World War at Sea series, the weather condition in Bismarck can change by more than one level per turn. This reflects the highly volatile weather of the North Atlantic. Players roll a die on a table each turn to determine how or if the weather changes. Similar tables in Second World War at Sea: Arctic Convoy reflect the specific weather conditions of the Arctic Ocean.

Updated Bismarck Weather Table

The Weather Table printed on Page 6 of the Bismarck scenario book is a bit confusing as it lists the Squall and Storm weather conditions out of order (Squall should be 4 while Storm should be 5). So, we’ve provided the corrected table below. Add a +1 modifier to each dieroll (including when instructed to roll a second die per the Gale weather condition) in turns taking place during October through February:

Current Condition Dieroll and Change
1. Clear 1-4: No change.
5+: Change to Cloudy.
2. Cloudy 1-2: Change to Clear.
3-4: No change.
5+: Change to Rain.
3. Rain 1: Change to Clear.
2: Change to Cloudy.
3-5: No change.
6+: Change to Squall.
4. Squall 1: Change to Cloudy.
2: Change to Rain.
3-5: No change.
6+ Change to Storm.
5. Storm 1: Change to Rain.
2: Change to Squall.
3-5: No change.
6+ Change to Gale.
6. Gale

1: Change to Squall.
2: Change to Storm.
3-5: No change.
6: Roll a second die:
    1 Clear, 2 Cloudy, 3 Rain, 4 Squall, 5+ Storm.

Alternative Bismarck Weather Table

Second World War at Sea: Leyte Gulf included a rule for Weather Condition 7: Typhoon. Given the extreme weather possibilities in the North Atlantic it is only fitting to provide a similar option for Bismarck. I have therefore included a variant weather table that allows for Blizzard conditions. You will note that this table is more severe than the standard table and is biased toward the Rain and Squall conditions so prevalent in the North Atlantic — be aware of this before using it.

As with the standard weather table, add a +1 modifier to each dieroll (including when instructed to roll a second die) in turns taking place during October through February (this is the only way to get 7 results on the table below, meaning Blizzards can only happen during this time):

Current Condition Dieroll and Change (if any)
1. Clear

1-2: No Change
3: Roll a second die:
    1 Clear, 2-3 Cloudy, 4-5 Rain, 6+ Squall
4-5: Change to Cloudy
6: Change to Rain
7: Change to Squall

2. Cloudy 1-2: Change to Clear.
3: Roll a second die:
    1 Clear, 2-3 Rain, 4-5 Squall, 6+ Storm
4-5: No Change
6: Change to Rain
7: Change to Squall
3. Rain 1: Change to Clear.
2: Change to Cloudy.
3: Roll a second die:
    1 Clear, 2 Cloudy, 3-4 Squall, 5 Storm, 6+ Gale
4-5: No Change
6: Change to Squall
7: Change to Storm
4. Squall 1: Change to Cloudy.
2: Change to Rain.
3: Roll a second die:
    1 Clear, 2 Cloudy, 3-4 Rain, 5 Storm, 6+ Gale
4-5: No Change
6: Change to Storm.
7: Change to Gale
5. Storm 1: Change to Rain.
2: Change to Squall
3: Roll a second die:
    1 Clear, 2 Cloudy, 3 Rain, 4-5 Squall, 6+ Gale
4-5: No Change
6: Change to Gale.
7: Change to Blizzard
6. Gale 1: Change to Squall.
2: Change to Storm.
3: Roll a second die:
    1 Clear, 2 Cloudy, 3 Rain,
    4-5 Squall, 6 Storm, 7 No Change
4-6: No Change
7: Change to Blizzard
7. Blizzard 1: Change to Squall
2: Change to Storm
3: Roll a second die:
    1 Clear, 2 Cloudy, 3 Rain,
    4 Squall, 5 Storm, 6+ Gale
4: Change to Gale
5-7: No Change

Blizzard Rules

Weather Condition 7, Blizzard, is the most severe winter weather possible in the North Atlantic, which can be as dangerous and deadly as a Pacific Typhoon or a tropical Hurricane.

Operational Effects

No combat, loading or unloading, refueling, mission reassignment, or re-arming is possible in Blizzard weather. Ships may not move in Blizzard weather but submarines may move normally.

Effects on Air Units

During each Weather Phase when the current weather condition becomes or remains Blizzard, all aircraft which are currently part of a Strike, Transfer or Escort flight that is currently in the air (having taken off in a previous turn and being en-route to or from a target) are immediately destroyed and may not be salvaged. All current CAP, Search and ASW missions are immediately cancelled and each unit assigned to such missions takes one step loss.

Ship Damage

Ships at sea in a Blizzard may suffer damage. During each Weather Phase when the current weather condition becomes or remains Blizzard, the owning player rolls two dice for each of his task forces that is not in port at the time. On a roll of 11 or 12, the Task Force rolled-for has had a particularly rough time of it. The owning player then rolls two dice for each ship in the affected Task Force (roll for each ship separately) and consults the Blizzard Damage Table, adding any applicable dieroll modifiers and implementing the results for each ship immediately:

Blizzard Damage Table

Dieroll Effects
2 Lose 2 Hull
3 Radar Destroyed (British and American ships only; ship
does not count for the +1 or -1 contact modifier on the
Contact table; no damage if ship is not American or
4 Floatplanes destroyed (11.6; ships without floatplane
icon are unaffected)
5 Torpedo Mounts Destroyed (ship can no longer fire
torpedoes; ships with no torpedo capability are
6-8 No damage

Lose 1 AA

10 Lose 2 AA
11 Lose 1 Primary and 2 AA*
12 Lose 1 Hull, 2 Primary and 2 AA*
13+ Lose 2 Hull, 2 Primary and 3 AA*

The Substitute Damage rule applies normally (7.5)

*If any type of CV suffers a natural or modified result of 11 or greater, it loses one step of aircraft (owning player’s choice) in addition to any other listed damage.

Blizzard Damage Dieroll Modifiers

Ship is Large Transport: +1
Ship is Small Transport: +2
Ship is other type of transport (AO, AS, LST) etc: +1
Ship is DE or GB: +2
Ship is DD: +1
Ship is BB or BC: –1

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