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Summer Revival

Here’s how it works:

• Your Gold Club "old girlfriend" discount (the shorter coupon code) gives you thirty (30) percent off any or all of these.

• The first of these should be ready right away (already arriving), the last in about six weeks.

• Gold Club Free Shipping (see below) applies if you meet the threshold.

• This is every game we’re reprinting this summer. That means it’ll take a little longer to get to the very last one, but we won’t be adding any later to frustrate you. Order now in peace.

Golden Journal: Aphelion 2015
Iron Curtain: National People’s Army
You can order the Aphelion 2015 Golden Journal right here.

There are ten boxed games, five books and one map set involved:

Defiant Russia
Our fastest-selling wargame ever, Defiant Russia has been thoroughly upgraded with a brand-new map by Guy Riessen, a new box cover plus re-worked rules and pieces. And it only costs $34.99 retail ($24.49 for the Early-Ordering elite).
You can order Defiant Russia right here.

Panzer Grenadier: Liberation 1944
New cover and upgraded to 4th edition standard. $79.99 retail, $55.99 Early Order.
You can order Liberation 1944 right here.

Panzer Grenadier: Pusan Perimeter
It was already at 4th Edition standard. $79.99 retail, $55.99 Early Order.
You can order Pusan Perimeter right here.

Panzer Grenadier: Kursk, South Flank
New cover and upgraded to 4th edition standard. $89.99 retail, $62.99 Early Order.
You can order Kursk, South Flank right here.

Great War at Sea: U.S. Navy Plan Crimson
$59.99 retail, $41.99 Early Order.
You can order U.S. Navy Plan Crimson right here.

Great War at Sea: Russo-Japanese War
$59.99 retail, $41.99 Early Order.
You can order Russo-Japanese War right here.

Great War at Sea: U.S. Navy Plan Red
$59.99 retail, $41.99 Early Order.
You can order Plan Red right here.

Great War at Sea: Pacific Crossroads
$29.99 retail, $20.99 Early Order.
You can order Pacific Crossroads right here.

War of the States: Chickamauga & Chattanooga
$59.99 retail, $41.99 Early Order.
You can order Chickamauga & Chattanooga right here.

Second World War at Sea: Coral Sea
$34.99 retail, $24.99 Early Order.
You can order Coral Sea right here.

Second Great War at Sea: The Kaiser’s Navy
$34.99 retail, $24.99 Early Order.
You can order The Kaiser's Navy right here.

Fortress Malta
$39.99 retail, $27.99 Early Order.
You can order Fortress Malta right here.

Panzer Grenadier: Panzer Lehr
$34.99 retail, $24.99 Early Order.
You can order Panzer Lehr right here.

Great War at Sea: Bay of Bengal
$19.99 retail, $13.99 Early Order.
You can order Bay of Bengal right here.

Enlightened Warlords: A Player’s Guide to Soldier Kings
$19.99 retail, $13.99 Early Order.
You can order Enlightened Warlords right here.

Panzer Grenadier: Winter Wonderland
The four maps from Elsenborn Ridge, all wintry and white. $19.99 retail, $13.99 Early Order.
You can order Winter Wonderland right here.

These links are the only way to access these store pages right now, as only the Gold Club can order.