Winter Packages
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News Page
Our news page is now open with news. See it right here (updated 14 March 2025).
Daily Content

South Pacific: Savo Island, Part One
18 March 2025: We begin a two-part look at the Battle of Savo Island, seen in Second World War at Sea: South Pacific. The Gold Club can order now.

Fighting Irish: Invading Ireland
St. Patrick's Day 2025: German plans to invade Ireland are the theme of our Panzer Grenadier: Fighting Irish. You can buy it here; it's free to Gold Club members.

Far Side of the World: The Anglo-Japanese Alliance
16 March 2025: Jim Stear tells of the Anglo-Japanese Alliance, underpinning the upcoming Great War at Sea: Far Side of the World. The Gold Club can order now.

Dishonor Before Death: Publisher’s Thoughts
15 March 2025: Some thoughts on our Panzer Grenadier: Dishonor Before Death. It's reprinting now and you can order it right here.

Soldier Emperor: The Pope’s Divisions, Part 4
14 March 2025: We conclude our deep study of the Papacy during the Napoleonic Wars, seen in the Playbook edition of Soldier Emperor. You can order it here!

Great War at Sea: Gulf of Mexico
13 March 2025: The upcoming Gulf of Mexico includes a full-sized map of the Gulf and 40 scenarios of Spanish-American dreadnought action. The Gold Club can order now.

August 1914: Scenario Preview, Part Seven
12 March 2025: We continue a nine-part look into the scenarios of Infantry Attacks: August 1914. You can order it right here.

Coast Defenders: The Ships, Part One
11 March 2025: We begin a two-part look at the new ship pieces of our upcoming Golden Journal No. 57: Coast Defenders. It's a Gold Club exclusive.

Jutland 2e: German Pre-Dreadnoughts, Part Four
10 March 2024: We conclude a multi-part study of Imperial Germany’s early battleships, seen in Great War at Sea: Jutland Second Edition. You can order it here.

Broken Axis: First Look
9 March 2025: We sing of the Playbook edition of Panzer Grenadier: Broken Axis - it's reprinting now and you can order it right here.

Plan Z: The New Toys
8 March 2025: Let's look at all the new ships of Second World War at Sea: Plan Z, now reprinting. The Gold Club can order now at a sweet discount.

Far Side of the World: Cruiser Kaiserin Elisabeth
7 March 2025: We sing of the Austro-Hungarian cruiser Kaiserin Elisabeth, seen in the upcoming Far Side of the World. The Gold Club can order now at a sweet discount.

Saipan 1944: Scenario Preview, Part Three
6 March 2025: We continue an eight-part look into the scenarios of the upcoming Playbook edition of Panzer Grenadier: Saipan 1944. You can order it here.

South Seas Mandate: Publisher’s Preview
5 March 2025: We take a long and deep look into our upcoming Golden Annual No. 3: South Seas Mandate. It's a Gold Club exclusive.