the U-Boats
By J. Matchen
September 2012
In March 1943, the Allies suffered one of
their worst months for shipping losses in
the war. By August the U-boats had been beaten
and would never again be a serious threat.
How did it happen? Was it the result of a
grinding war of attrition in which German
science and industry simply couldn’t
keep up? Or a climactic, Midway-like battle
in which the submarines were soundly defeated?
The short answer is “yes.”
The War of Attrition
March 1943 was a spectacular month for the
U-boat force. In the first three weeks alone
over a half-million tons of shipping went
to the bottom. The British Admiralty would
later say that “the Germans never came
so near to disrupting communications between
the New World and the Old as in the first
twenty days of March 1943.”
More important than the numbers alone, and
more ominous for the allies, much of this
destruction came from attacks on escorted
convoys rather than the stragglers and independently
sailing ships that had previously been the
U-boats’ bread and butter. In one single
battle — the five-day struggle against
the convoys SC122 and HX229 — the wolfpacks
sank 21 ships of 141,000 tons for the loss
of only one U-boat (and that was sunk by a
Liberator bomber at the end of the battle).

A convoy crosses the North Atlantic.
The growth in merchant sinkings masked other,
less obvious factors. First, construction
of new merchant shipping continued to grow,
with the U.S. producing 21 million tons of
shipping in the three years following its
entry into the war. U-boat construction showed
steady if undramatic growth but never achieved
a battle winning critical mass.
The increasing numbers of U-boats were working
harder for their successes. In October 1940
each U-boat in the Atlantic was sinking the
equivalent of 920 tons of shipping per day.
By August 1942 that number was down to only
149 tons. Casualties among U-boats were also
rising and took a decisive turn in 1943.
The allies were also winning the intelligence
war. Although both sides intercepted and decoded
the other’s radio signals, the allies
were able to gain a decisive advantage in
rerouting convoys around the wolfpacks. Indeed,
of 174 convoys crossing the Atlantic between
May 1942 and May 1943, 105 were never even
sighted by the U-boats.
New Tactics and Weapons
Along with the steady grinding of the attrition
war (and of more importance to the SWWAS gamer)
were new weapons and tactics that were coming
to the fore by early 1943. First was the weight
of numbers. With the end of end of escort
and support missions for Operation Torch in
November 1942, a large number of additional
vessels became available to join the convoy
war. These extra resources allowed the allies
to establish escort support groups to supplement
the convoy escorts. These groups consisted
of a number of fast destroyer-type ships which
sped across the ocean to join convoys which
were facing wolfpacks.
These extra resources meant that the ships
could now continue to press their attacks
on the U-boats for the hours or even days
needed to destroy the boats without facing
the choice of leaving the convoy unescorted.
The escorts were now also better trained in
anti-submarine (AS) tactics such as the two-ship
“creeping attack,” in which one
ship would be directed over a submarine by
a following ship which was able to maintain
sonar (or ASDIC for the British) contact from
a distance. The escorts also became more adept
at air-sea combined tactics in which an aircraft
would drive a U-boat under water and then
direct the escorting ships in for the kill.
Air support improved in both quality and
quantity with the invention of new weapons
such as 10-cm-band radar which could spot
surfaced U-boats and was, for a long time,
undetectable by the subs’ radar warning
devices. The invention of the Leigh light,
a high-powered spotlight mounted on aircraft,
allowed bombers to attack the U-boats at night,
when they had previously been able to hunt
relatively safely. Later the sonobuoy and
acoustic homing torpedo would add to the U-boats’
Coastal command was also finally given (barely)
adequate resources, and their long-range Liberator,
Sunderland and Wellington aircraft
could range far into the Atlantic and accompany
the convoys for much of their passage. They
also attacked the u-boats during their transit
to or from their Atlantic hunting grounds,
increasing transit times and reducing the
number of boats on station.
Finally, the mass production of escort carriers
(CVEs) allowed air cover throughout a convoy’s
passage, as well as the formation of CVE hunter-killer
groups which pursued and attacked the wolfpacks
identified by allied intelligence.
An interesting stop-gap used by the British
while they were awaiting their CVEs was the
merchant aircraft carrier (MAC). These vessels
were merchant ships (either a tanker or bulk
carrier) which had a flight deck added and,
while still carrying their cargo, could fly
off and land a small air group of three or
four Swordfish aircraft.
Battles Won
These factors culminated in several major
convoy battles in mid-1943. From late March
and through much of April, the Atlantic war
slowed as many of the U-boats returned to
base after their successful attacks in March.
By late April, though, the wolfpacks had returned
to the Atlantic to take up where they had
left off.
One of their first victims was outbound convoy
ONS5, which German intelligence had detected
and which was stalked by several packs. At
first storms protected the convoy, but on
the night of May 4th the weather cleared and
the U-boats struck. Five merchant ships were
sunk that night and four the next day, despite
the best efforts of the convoy’s escort
and a powerful escort support group. On the
night of the 5th, the submarine pack struck
again but failed to sink a single merchant
in some two dozen attacks. This time the escorts
were more successful, sinking four U-boats.
Overall losses for this convoy were twelve
ships, but at a cost to the Germans of seven
The wolfpacks’ next target was the
fast convoy HX237, escorted by the British
CVE Biter. This convoy suffered only
three losses and destroyed three subs in return
— one by Biter’s aircraft, one
by shore-based aircraft, and one by a combination
of shore-based aircraft and surface escorts.
The Biter escort group then moved
on to support the slow convoy SC129. This
battle was again a “push” with
two merchants and two subs destroyed. The
U-boats’ next target, slow convoy SC130,
turned out to be the last Atlantic convoy
seriously threatened by the wolfpacks. This
convoy was attacked repeatedly over the period
of May 15th to 20th without success. The attackers
suffered the loss of five U-boats, and with
this defeat Doenitz was forced to pull the
U-boats from the North Atlantic.
The Germans tried attacking in other theaters,
enjoying some success in the Indian Ocean,
but were generally stymied by the Allies at
every turn. In late August, the U-boats attempted
a return to the Atlantic convoy routes on
the strength of advanced technologies including
acoustic homing torpedoes, various defensive
countermeasures and the promising snorkel
device. By this time, though, the Germans
were well behind the development curve. They
were never again able to pose a serious threat.
Bismarck Rules Variants
16.31 (addition): On a result of 10
the submarine makes contact and may attack
any destroyer, destroyer escort, torpedo boat
or merchant vessel in a convoy task force.
21.3 ASW (direct support variant):
Land-based aircraft may be utilized for ASW
in limited circumstances. Long-range level
bombers and flying boats may be assigned to
ASW missions in support of a particular convoy
(a side note should be kept of this assignment).
The convoy must be within half of the aircraft’s
range from its base at all times during this
direct support mission (i.e. a plane with
a range of 16/2 could support a convoy 16
or fewer spaces from its base). The number
of aircraft steps available for direct support
may be limited by scenario rules.

A Wellington sports a U-boat-spotting
Leigh light on its belly.
Leigh lights (16.42 variant): Beginning
in June 1942 scenarios, a convoy may be directly
supported by one step of long-range bombers
during night turns. Convoys supported by Leigh
light-equipped bombers do not suffer the –1
night ASW modifier. All other rules for direct
support apply.
Air-sea cooperation — case 1:
By mid-1943 aircraft and surface escorts had
learned to work together well. To reflect
this, for all scenarios taking place in April
1943 or later, aircraft steps (including escorting
CV ASW and Direct Support aircraft) and surface
escorts may be combined to reach the five
steps/ships needed to gain the +1 modifier
for ASW rolls. Note that rule 16.42, including
the doubling of CV ASW steps, remains in effect.
(Example: Three DE as escorts plus one step
of Swordfish from an escorting MAC would receive
the +1 modifier.)
Air-sea cooperation — case 2: For
scenarios taking place before April 1943,
rule 16.4 is modified to provide that the
attacking sub is driven off on a die roll
of 5 or 6 if the convoy has direct air support
or CV ASW and the combined total of escorting
air steps and ships is 5 or more. Note that
this variation decreases the likelihood of
a successful sub attack but does not increase
the chance of destroying a u-boat as in Case
1 above.
Acoustic homing torpedoes: Beginning
with the second half of August 1943, each
German submarine (Type VII or higher) may
have one torpedo factor designated as a homing
torpedo. These torpedoes receive a +1 to-hit
Merchant Aircraft Carriers
The British converted a total of 19 of these
vessels as a useful stop-gap until they had
a sufficient number of escort carriers (CVEs)
available. They had a flight deck (those converted
from grain carriers also had a hangar) and
modest air capability while continuing to
carry their cargo. They may operate one step
of Swordfish aircraft which may be assigned
to the ASW mission only. These aircraft are
not eligible for night missions. Note that
rules 16.42 (double steps for CV ASW) and
Air-Sea Cooperation are in effect. Spare “Large
Transport” counters may be used for
these vessels with all ship values the same
as the large transport (1 AA, Move 1+, 2 hull,
9 fuel). The actual ships’ names are
Oiler conversions:
- Rapana
- Miralda
- Acavus
- Adula
- Alexia
- Amastra
- Ancylus
- Gadila (Dutch crew)
- Macoma (Dutch crew)
- Empire Mackay
- Empire MacColl
- Empire MacMahon
- Empire MacCabe
Bulk grain carrier conversions:
- Empire MacAlpine
- Empire MacKendrick
- Empire MacAndrew
- Empire MacDermott
- Empire MacRae
- Empire MacCallum
Click here to
download the merchant aircraft carriers.
Escort Carriers (CVE)
The escort carriers were converted merchantmen
produced in large numbers to provide wide
ranging air support in situations where large
carriers were unavailable or inappropriate.
They were originally conceived for a convoy
escort and ASW role, but served with distinction
in many other capacities. Although the British
and U.S. navies had disagreements over how
to use them, the CVEs proved invaluable to
U.S. CVE Bogue class: Use
counters and hit record sheets from Leyte
Gulf. The carriers have a capacity
of five steps, 2 AA, 1+ movement, 2 hull and
24 fuel. A usual air wing would be two steps
of Wildcat (Martlet in British service) fighters
and two or three steps of Avenger torpedo
bombers. Early war air wings (particularly
for Operation Torch) would include one or
two steps of SBD Dauntless dive bombers in
place of the Avengers. With their non-folding
wings, the SBDs proved difficult in CVE operations
and were later removed.
British CVE Attacker class: Counter
values the same as Bogue class except
a maximum of four steps of aircraft (the British
CVE air wings were generally 18 to 24 aircraft).
here to beat the U-boats in Second World
War at Sea: Bismarck. |