


The ‘Town’-Class Destroyers, Part III
By Kristin Ann High
March 2021

The first two installments of this series revisited the reputation of Town-class destroyers and listed their names and service. Today we offer ship data sheets and counters that can be played in Second World War at Sea games.

Town-Class Ships

The Town-class destroyers are presented in the order they commissioned into the R.N., with the exceptions of HMS Cameron and HMS Hamilton, which never actually saw operational service with the R.N. Employing HMS Hamilton in a scenario obviously precludes employing HMCS Hamilton in the same scenario.

Rivers-Class Ships

The Canadian Rivers-class destroyers are presented in the order they commissioned into the RCN, including HMCS Hamilton. Several R.N. Town-class destroyers that operated in Canadian waters were crewed by Norwegian sailors and some Norwegian officers; these ships are referred to as HMNoS, for “His Majesty's Norwegian Ships” (HMNS was the designation for Dutch-crewed ships in His Majesty's service).

RKKF Town-Class Ships

As the Raboche-Krest'yansky Krasny Flot Town-Class DEs do not become available until late 1944, they do not figure into any current SWWAS game, but are included for completeness.


See the Town class in action — order Second World War at Sea: Bismarck now!

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