Town-Class Destroyers, Part
By Kristin Ann High
February 2021
The famous Destroyers for Bases deal remains
one of the controversial events of the Second
World War. The controversy primarily centers
on the American destroyers: on both sides,
British and American, some remain committed
to proving the “other side” got
the better deal.
In recent years, the revisionist idea that
the American destroyers were of little military
value to the Royal Navy has gained a wide
hearing. Even PBS’ Mystery! featured
them in an episode of Foyle’s War — the murderous American patent-thief
was permitted to return to the U.S. from Great
Britain because he was essential to Lend-Lease,
and had been instrumental in pushing through
the deal. The American ships were said to
be “of little military value,”
but their exchange was symbolic of the ties
between America and Great Britain, and thus
an “important first step toward winning
the war.”
In some ways this reaction was inevitable.
The American destroyers were hailed at the
time in prose worthy of a modern-day political
campaign. They were “Fifty Ships That
Saved the World,” or given such astounding
credit as “fifty destroyers saved five-hundred
ships.” The deal was a “bonanza”
for America, and so on.
None of these lofty claims can be substantiated
even in the context of the time. Because the
European understanding of the Second World
War — the European view of history,
if you will — is so very different from
the American understanding, it can be difficult
to clear away both wartime propaganda and
modern-day revisionism to take a more rational
view of the consequences of the the Destroyers
for Bases deal.
The American Destroyers
The United States Navy’s flush-deck
family of destroyers comprised 273 ships in
three major classes: six ships of the Caldwell class (DD-69 through DD-74), 111 ships of
the Wickes class (DD-75 through DD-185)
and 156 ships of the Clemson class
(DD-186 through DD-347; ships DD-200 through
DD-205 were not built). They were called “flush-deck”
because, in contrast to the all of the preceding
classes of American destroyers with a raised
foredeck foreward of the bridge, their weather
decks were all on the same level, flush with
one another.
Together the flush-deckers represent the
culmination of U.S.N. destroyer design, from
the inception of the torpedo boat destroyer
at the turn of the 20th century to the end
of the Great War. Fast and well armed, displacing
between 1,100 and 1,300 tons, the flush-deckers
epitomize the changing role of the destroyer,
from screening, defensive operations at the
outset of the 20th century to the workhorses
of modern war at the turn of the 21st.
By the end of the Great War, when the flush-deckers
had been transformed from the Caldwell class (often erroneously called “prototypes”)
to the mass-produced ships of the Wickes and Clemson classes, there was a definite
change in the place held by the destroyer,
signaled by a new designation for the largest
of these ubiquitous craft, the fleet destroyer.
The fleet destroyer was responsible for scouting
and screening the battleline, protecting it
from torpedo attacks by enemy destroyers and
small craft — like their old nemesis,
the torpedo boat — and, perhaps most
importantly, fighting submarines and aircraft.
Fleet destroyers mounted both ASDIC and depth
charges as well as the beginnings of anti-air
(A/A) armament, the former two copied from
the British, the latter an integral part of
the American design from the beginning.
Like all United States ships built between
1890 and 1925, the flush-deck family of destroyers
were progressive designs, in that each successive
class drew on the experiences gained in preceding
classes, as well as the gaining from the processes
and technologies perfected during their building.
Perhaps the most telling aspect of the flush-deckers
was that, by the end of the building program
in the early 1920s, there were nearly 300
of them in commission (though not for very
long; 1922 saw large numbers laid up in reserve).

DD-134: Wickes-class USS Crowninshield,
later the Town-class HMS Chelsea,
later loaned to the R.C.N., still later the
Russian destroyer Derskyi.
The 'Town'-Class Destroyers
The Town-class destroyers exchanged
for leases were 50 flush-deckers, comprising
three Caldwell-class destroyers, 27 Wickes-class destroyers, and 20 Clemson-class
destroyers. Of these, the British Admiralty
allotted 44 ships to the Royal Navy and six
to the Royal Canadian Navy. The Royal Navy
received three Caldwell-class destroyers,
23 Wickes-class destroyers, and 18 Clemson-class destroyers, turned over
in six groups. The Royal Canadian Navy received
four Wickes-class destroyers and two Clemson-class destroyers, turned over
in a single group.
The Royal Navy destroyers were given the
names of towns common to both Great Britain
and the United States, and were thus called
the “Town” class. The Royal Canadian
Navy destroyers were given the names of rivers
running between Canada and the U.S., being
thus the “River” class; generally,
though, the R.C.N. ships were referred to
as Town-class destroyers by the Admiralty,
to avoid confusion (!) with the later British River-class frigates.
Condition of the 'Town'
and 'River'-Class Ships
To characterize the flush-deckers that were
exchanged for basing rights as “old”
is both accurate and misleading. The flush-deckers
that became the British Town class
and their Canadian stablemates were not uniformly
drawn from the very best, nor from the very
worst, of the U.S.N.’s remaining flush-deckers,
but were an admixture of those ships. Some
were ready for sea as soon as their British
and Canadian crews could handle them, some
needed the usual minor refits, and some were
in poor condition, reflecting their age, previous
service, and the effects of having been laid-up
in reserve for 10 to 20 years.

DD-70: Caldwell-class USS Craven,
recommissioned Conway in 1939
and HMS Lewes in 1940. On the
way to England she joined the hunt for Admiral Scheer.
A number of the ships were ready for action
by the time their R.N. crews had completed
familiarization trials. Several ships of the
initial exchange were ready in time to participate
in the hunt for Admiral Scheer and
search for survivors from convoy HX.84 in
November 1940. Given the debilitating losses
of destroyers in the first year of WWII and
the unsuitability of the Hunt-class
escort destroyers for work in the western
North Atlantic (or anywhere at all, in the
case of the First Group ships), to say the
flush-deckers exchanged with the Royal Navy
were “of no military value” is
not supported by the historical records of
the Admiralty.
Just considering the fact that the Royal
Navy had been pressed into employing auxiliary
cruisers as convoy escorts — merchant
ships with between four and six 6"/45-calibre
BL Mk.XII rifles, woefully inadequate for
dealing with anything other than an armed
merchant raider, and utterly incapable of
dealing with U-boats — it is taking
too broad a view to discount the flush-deckers
in such an out-of-hand fashion.
The 'V'/'W'-Class Destroyers
The Town-class destroyers’ greatest
contribution to the British war effort may
well have been freeing up the British V/W-class
destroyers for reconstruction as long-range
escorts, and to be fitted out with the most
up-to-date weapons and sensors for the short-range
escort role.
Unlike the American flush-deckers, the British V/W-class ships were superb sea boats,
with a good hull-form compromise between speed,
stability and manœuverability. More importantly,
they had counter-rotating propellers, where
the flush-deckers did not. This meant that
the British ships’ manœuverability
was markedly superior to the American ships
— indeed, the flush-deckers had a “tactical
radius” only slightly smaller than that
of a British battleship, certainly not an
advantage when dealing with submarines.
The British ships also had superior electronics
— ASDIC and early meter-wavelength RDF
on several ships — and several ships
had already been refitted with wide pattern-throwing
depth-charge mounts employing improved depth
charges. They also had a heavier anti-air
fit — one 12-pdr (3”/50-calibre
QF HA Mk.I) and two to four 2-pdr “Pom-Poms”
(40mm/39-calibre QF HA Mk.II), and on some
of the ships, two quadruple-mount Vickers
HMGs. The American ships still mounted only
two 3”/23-calibre HA Mk.4 A/A weapons,
plus some Browning HMGs (both the British
and the Americans soon abandoned the HMG A/A
weapons as being too light and too short-ranged).
The one area in which the American ships
surpassed the V/W-class ships was endurance
— the range, in nautical miles, to which
a ship may safely operate. The British destroyers
of the Great War era had been built to screen
and scout for the Grand Fleet in the waters
of the North Sea. They were intended to operate
near home waters, with friendly ports or anchorages
near to hand, and a premium was placed on
speed, torpedo armament, and main battery.
As a consequence, they had a rather limited
endurance and thus were poor convoy escorts.
While it is certainly true that most of the Town class served only about three
years of active service with the Royal Navy
and the Royal Canadian Navy, it is not true
that they made no militarily important contribution,
either in terms of what their presence in
the North Atlantic made possible, or in the
direct effect of their escort duties on the
merchant convoys plying those waters.
There is much more detail to be had on the Town class and their service in the
war, so tune in next time for a full
listing of the names of all Town-class
ships, their dates of service and notable
actions fought, and SWWAS
counters and ship data sheets.
the Town class in action — order Second World War at Sea: Bismarck now!