By Kristin Ann High
November 2020
The boss comments: I don't think I've ever commented on
a Daily Content contribution
before, but this one sort of
cried out for it. It started
as an e-mail rant from Kristin
that I read and thought, "%&#$@,
she understands it!" So
I asked her to expand it into
this commentary. Because she
has it right
— there's an awful lot of analysis
that goes into such a “simple”
game, and I've never really been able
to explain just what it entails.
When SOPAC was new, some of the playtesters grew
upset that more games weren't pouring
out in rapidfire succession. They asked
me to spring for a copy of Conway's All the World's Ships, since
that obviously was the only source needed
to generate ship ratings and they would
gladly take care of that.
That’s not
how it works. Each rating measures a
weapon system in its complete effect,
and there is no secret algorithm of
“hard” numbers. Kristin
nailed it. I’m so pleased to present
this ode, someday I might even let her
in on the tale behind the name of her
favorite scenario. . . .
Bennighof, Ph.D. |
A great wargame produces consistent results
grounded in the historical record, while allowing
a reasonable probability for extraordinary
results. A great wargame's design supports
scenarios that model the challenges, uncertainties,
and difficulties experienced by the historical
participants. That is the definition of "realism,"
whether the game covers infantry combat at
the level of individual soldiers or naval
clashes between fleets of warships.
In my opinion, Second
World War at Sea (SWWAS) is a great
wargame. The individual games and supplements in the series [1]
present their subjects in the context of place
and time. The multiple scenarios in each game
are built upon a consistent Victory Points
system carefully matched to the operational
focus of the series. Many scenarios include
special Victory Conditions that impose external
imperatives upon the players, giving weight
to the dictates of policy or the meddling
of higher command echelons.
Each game also has special rules that embody
the peculiarities of place and circumstance
inherent in the regional conflicts of a global
war. Taken together, the Victory Points system
and special rules force players to deal with
operational realities and the impact of high-level
policy decisions, neither of which are under
their control.
Therein lies the muscle of SWWAS, in the unseen
design and development work that produce a
basic game engine strong enough to carry forward
a coherent approach to naval operations through
eight games, in theatres as different as the
North Sea and the Indian Ocean, while remaining
flexible enough to permit the modeling of
conditions of place and circumstance unique
to divergent theatres.
Dual Systems
Although it is an operational-level wargame,
SWWAS is structured to encompass tactical
combat and propagate the results of that combat
into the scenario. The clash of ships and
planes directly effects the outcome of the
scenario, even when what is desired is the
avoidance of such a clash. The tactical aspect
of SWWAS attracts the lion's share of player
input, and elicits the greatest gnashing of
player teeth; yet in this area the rock-solid
foundations upon which SWWAS rests pay the
greatest dividends.
The successful integration of tactical combat
into an operational wargame is no simple task,
and most operational games simply avoid the
attempt. Many games that make the attempt
focus on detailed tactical combat, with a
set of arbitrary rules to create “campaign
games” as a means of propagating the
results of tactical combats. [2]
A few attempt to model tactical combat at
an operational scale, and provide a strategic
context overlaid on the whole.
There are problems in both approaches. Due
to the massive scale involved, attempts to
model the combat of an entire operation at
the tactical level results in an equally massive
game. Such games require complex rules and
a significant bookkeeping overhead for the
players. Although this approach has much to
commend it, many of the games which embody
it are simply unplayable in a single adult
lifetime, regardless of how beautifully designed.
An arbitrary “campaign game” is
not a model of operational realities —
it is a series of tactical combats related
to one another only by the continuity of each
player’s forces. Victory in the “campaign
game” is usually determined by the accumulation
of Victory Points deriving from achieving
tactical objectives.
What often happens, then, is an ad hoc marriage
of two different games — one to handle
the operational level, and another to handle
the tactical battles that result. This is
little better than a superficial “campaign
game,” as the integration between the
two is not nearly robust enough to produce
coherent results.
SWWAS embodies an alternative approach,
that of keeping the focus of tactical combat
on operational effects. This necessarily means
that the tactical game is oriented towards
the operational game, rather than vice versa.
This is key to SWWAS' strength and flexibility,
and another testament to the solid design
and development work of the series.
A Crunchy Conceit
A while back the term “crunchy”
was employed in a Daily Content article. The
term, as I infer from its usage, embodies
a long-standing conceit; the greater the amount
of visible technological detail attending
an individual unit, the greater the “realism”
of the game, and therefore the more accurate
its portrayal. By implication, a more realistic
game is a more accurate game, and therefore
a better game.
The reciprocal implication — that
games which do not embrace this granularity
are not as realistic, and therefore not as
accurate — infers a direct relationship
between complexity and quality. The inference
is specious, because complexity of game play
and complexity of the game model are not directly
related, as anyone who has struggled through
badly-written rules will admit.
I use conceit deliberately, because the plain
fact is that all wargames employ abstraction
in the interest of playability. The key is
to match the level of abstraction to the scale
employed in the game model. A tactical-level
game has a narrow focus, with a fine scale
of unit size, time, and distance. An operational-level
game has a wider focus, with a coarser scale
of unit size, time, and distance. Scale, however,
is not the same as the abstraction.
Transforming an event or characteristic
— say the impact of an USN Mk.16 14-inch
APC shell (event) on the armour plate protecting
the top of “A” turret on Yamato (characteristic) — into a calculation
involving projectile impact velocity, projectile
mass, projectile impact obliquity, probability
of projectile deformation when striking, and
the resulting probability of penetration,
set against a comparative table of the strength
of Yamato's turret top armour plate,
creates an abstraction.
Merely shifting the burden of effecting the
abstraction onto the players does not make
a game more accurate, nor increase the game's
realism — the only certainty is that
adjudicating a single combat is complex, time-consuming,
and routinely dull. The odd hit may spice
up play for a half-hour while the interaction
of shell and armour plate are worked out,
but when that torturous process has completed,
the mind-numbing routine of adjudicating the
individual fire of multiple rifles continues.
Likewise, simply because a game does not make
all the details of its combat abstraction
visible to the players does not necessarily
make the game less accurate, nor decrease
its realism.
What is key is the integrity of the game
abstraction across all facets of the game.
This is particularly difficult to maintain
when the scale shifts, as it does in SWWAS
when play moves from the operational map to
the tactical board. Much of the work of SWWAS'
game mechanics — the design elements
which control the interaction between players
and the game, and are the basis of the rules
of play — is devoted to the integration
of tactical combat within the operational
focus of the game abstraction. Thus players
can fight furious surface battles on the tactical
map arising out of the collision of task forces
on the operational map, and then return to
that map when they have finished.
Abstraction is Detail
The robust elegance of SWWAS' game abstraction
is not readily apparent to most players, and
proclaiming the result of one's painstaking
research to be “consistent with the
game design” is hardly the sort of pronouncement
to bring an awed hush to one's audience.
Moreover, when one is working with weapon
systems employed in or on surface ships or
aircraft, the very complexity of the warcraft
themselves exert a subtle pull to “drill
down” into specifics. With the Internet
awash in reprinted data from seemingly-authoritative
sources, it is a deceptively simple matter
to write out a dissertation on the “technical
superiority” of that USN 14-inch Mk.16
APC shell, and then proceed to an argument
that compares the number of Mk.7 14-inch rifles
on USN battleships to the number of 14-inch/45-calibre
M.VII rifles firing the Mk.VIIB APC shell
in British battleships. Then, with technical
data in hand, one sets about creating gunfire
ratings based on the “tons of steel
per salvo” (or “. . . per
This is a trap too many authors —
particularly revisionists with an axe to grind
— fall readily into. The legendary power
of battleships like Yamato or Bismarck have their genesis in this narrow technological
view of basic specifications — tonnage
and rifle bore, the thickness of the main
belt, and so on. Too many amateur historians
quote blueprint statistics as if they were
combat data — Yamato could open fire
at X thousands of yards range with X tons
of steel “raining” down in the
X minutes before New Jersey's 16-inch/50-calibre
rifles drew in range, and so on.
The problem with this approach in respect
to SWWAS — skipping the legion of problems
with using the Internet as a reliable source
— is that one cannot reduce complex
ratings like gunnery factors to a simple comparisons
of rifles, either by number or bore, nor by
size or weight of shell.
SWWAS ratings are not so easily reduced. The
shell is only the sharp end of a very complex
weapon system, involving the number and arrangement
of rifles on the ship, the gun mounts, turret
design, shell handling and magazine arrangements,
director control (including range or range-and-bearing
RDF input) systems, the ship's stability in
a seaway, and an estimation of the actual
performance of the armament in war, taken
from action reports and official histories.
This is the most critical point, and we often
lose sight of it when we “drill down”
into technical detail. All ships, whether
on, under or above the sea, are a compromise
between three fundamental, competing elements
— firepower, protection, and propulsion.
Wargames which treat each facet of firepower
and protection obsessively, but treat propulsion
with much greater simplicity, are designed
upon an insupportable central conceit. Accuracy
for a wargame is about shells and armour,
and therefore a game with intricate and minute
rules governing every aspect of fire and armour
that the designer can conceive is inherently
more accurate than one which abstracts these
Certainly, a thorough understanding of the
technological aspects of a particular subject
is necessary to design a wargame, and depending
upon the game this may require more or less
intensive study. Some factors have more weight,
some less. For example, the British and Americans
benefit from excellent fire control thanks
to having RDF input on range and bearing (and
later, RDF input on fall of shot), but the
Japanese benefit from superb night training,
including the use of floatplanes at night
using coloured flares.
Holistic Analysis
The fact that SWWAS reduces the main battery
to a number of gunnery factors does not necessarily
mean that SWWAS does not rest upon a detailed
analysis of that main battery; it means, rather,
that a ship's gunnery factors must be viewed
as encompassing the whole of her main battery,
from shell handling procedures to weight and
strength of the rifle shell to shell dispersion
and accuracy over range.
I like, support, and have contributed to
Avalanche Press Daily Content's approach —
incorporating optional rules that improve
the tactical and operational game models (as
well as articles adding more extensive historical
context to the games). I believe player input
to be mostly boon [3], and
the Daily Content approach to dealing with
it inspired (and to date, unique). Even when
the basis for a set of optional rules is highly
technical, the rules which result often fit
smoothly into the game abstraction.
The counter-argument, however, is not without
strengths. SWWAS is an operational-level wargame,
not a set of tactical-level miniatures rules.
When one starts equating technologies with
capabilities, the focus shifts to tactical
effects, and ultimately, the demand for balancing
realities. A corvette escorting HX.xxx is
equipped with the Hedgehog spigot mortar,
so the A/S roll is made at “+1”;
but one of the U-boats is equipped with homing
torpedoes, so the submarine attack roll is
also made at “+1,” unless the
corvette or U-Boat is sunk, in which case
the modifier is not applied, unless ... and
so on.
Ultimately, this sort of technological brawling
— sea lawyering, if you will —
becomes an end in itself, and what was once
a simple but powerful combat model becomes
unrecognizable amid the tangle of tables,
charts, special rules, special cases of special
rules, and massive OBs listing each ship's
equipment at any given time; in short, a nightmare.
The key, I believe is to understand clearly
that SWWAS ratings do not directly correlate
to any particular weapon, armour plate, or
ton of fuel bunkerage. However sexy one's
favourite weapon may be, take the time to
consider carefully its impact on operations
in the time, place, and circumstance of the
game to which you want to add it.
This is not to say that SWWAS is perfect.
The steady addition of new games has been
accompanied by refinements and revisions to
the rules, and numerous Daily Content articles
have added optional rules stressing particular
aspects of the naval war from 1939 to 1945.
The risk of focusing on technologies —
for example, the introduction of spigot mortars
to supplement depth charges — brings
with it an inherent danger of seeing these
technologies as requiring new rules, new ratings,
and new charts. An historical discussion of
the development of the ahead-thrown A/S weapons
— Hedgehog [4], Squid,
and Limbo — does not need to change
any rules in SWWAS to be an interesting Daily
Content article.
And if one decides that the introduction of
Hedgehog was, indeed, so revolutionary as
to require a change in the SWWAS rules for
A/S, than that rule change should be matched
to the operational effect of the ahead-thrown
A/S weapons on the battle between escorts
and submarines, separate from all other factors.
A different approach would be to modify the
A/S roll as from a certain date, when the
combination of improved ASDIC, ahead-thrown
A/S weapons, centimetric RDF, and more numerous
escorts meant that the U-boats could no longer
hope to simply “wait it out,”
or use the ASDIC “black out” and
the cover of exploding depth-charges to take
incremental evasive action toward escaping.
Even then, one must keep in mind the effect
on the probabilities of adding “+1”
to a die roll employing 2d6.
And I Saw Beauty . . .
The real beauty of SWWAS is that it is an
eminently playable game. Even the complex
scenarios covering the vast movement of naval
forces in the Mediterranean in La Regia Marina, or the lengthy convoy scenarios
of Bismarck,
can be played to conclusion, and more than
once. This means that I can fight out "Come
In Rangoon" from Eastern
Fleet a dozen times, trying different
stratagems as Allied or Axis player, to see
the effect.
"Come In Rangoon" is particularly
effective as an example, because the historical
facts — the Allied loss of Burma —
cannot be changed; yet the Allied player can
win the scenario within that historical context.
By pushing the troops convoy through to Rangoon,
Burma, loading troops (abstracted as Cargo
Points), and running like a bunny for the
nearest Allied port, the Allied player can
amass enough VPs to win.
In fact, the Japanese player cannot win
without either interfering with the convoy,
or seeking battle with the Royal Navy. Yet
by moving north to disrupt the troopship convoy,
the Japanese player exposes the cruiser battle
group to attack by Royal Navy carrier aircraft
and, worse, risks a collision with HMS Warspite and a pair of County-class 8-inch
The dangers of too-aggressive tactics on
either hand are nicely balanced by the price
of too much caution. Nothing ruins a cruiser's
day like being pounded to pieces by 15"
naval rifles, while the loss of Warspite to Japanese surface ship torpedoes represents
a catastrophe of the first rank. Still, the
Japanese must disrupt the evacuation of Rangoon,
while landing their occupation forces on Sumatra,
and the Royal Navy must discourage the Japanese
cruiser battlegroup, without being drawn too
far away from Ceylon.
And that's a great wargame.
[1] That is: South Pacific, Midway,
La Regia Marina, Eastern Fleet, Java Sea, Bismarck, and Arctic Convoy; plus North Atlantic and Black Sea Fleets.
[2] For some reason, the
folks who tear their hair out over the details
of the 7.92mm Mauser rifle round and the .303"
Enfield rifle round — and who would
have an apoplectic fit over the "imprecision"
of my analogy — always demand a “campaign
game”. I've never really understood
this, except in a role-playing context (air
games are well-suited to the role-playing
style, as players generally want to fly fighters
in dogfights, rather than destroy bridges
or wreck trains). But it is nearly as universal
as their complaints over the results.
[3] Of course, I don't have to deal with them.
[4] I believe Hedgehog was
called Mousetrap on American vessels. Since
I'm not actually writing an article on ahead-thrown
A/S weapons, I'll try and leave it at that.
Click here to order Second
World War at Sea stuff!