Western Desert Force:
Italian Libya, Part One: The Colony
By Mike Bennighof, Ph.D.
May 2015
Until the overthrow and brutal murder of its brutal dictator, Col. Moammar
Qaddafi, Libya was known in the West mostly
for its massive oil reserves. For a brief moment in 1941 and 1942, Libya held
the Western world’s attention as Axis
and Allied armies brawled for control of the
Mediterranean Sea’s southern coast: the theme of our Western Desert Force game. But what made this desolate region a seat of war?
The Berber people appeared on the scene
at least as early as 2700 B.C. It was these
people, who constantly raided the Nile valley
settlements, who the Egyptians labeled “Libyans.”
Berber raiders even installed themselves as
pharoahs during the 22nd and 23rd Dynasties.
Three Cities
Modern Libya is divided into three very different
regions. Coastal Libya is split by the Gulf
of Sirte into Tripolitania in the west and
Cyrenaica in the east. Overland communication
between them was essentially impossible before
the introduction of motor vehicles (this is
why there is no route between them in our
Soldier Emperor
game), and they developed separate cultural
identities. To the south lies the Fezzan,
mostly desert but dotted by oases, some of
them very large and productive.

Conquerors of Cyrenaica. Italian Bersaglieri
in action (at least that’s what
the original caption says), 1912.
Phoenicians settled in Tripolitania by 1200
B.C., and by 500 B.C. the “Three Cities”
(“Tri Polis” in Greek) became
an important Carthaginian vassal state, passing
under Roman rule when Carthage was destroyed
by Rome. Greeks settled Cyrene in 631 B.C. and
soon a confederation of “Five Cities”
formed, passing under Roman control in 74 B.C.
Roman rule lasted for over 400 years, passing
in turn to the Byzantine Empire by the 6th century
In 642 an Arab army led by Amr ibn al As
conquered Cyrenaica for Islam, taking Tripoli
two years later. By 650 the Arabs had wiped
out all the Byzantine garrisons in both provinces
and subjugated the tribes of the Fezzan as
well. Contrary to popular imagination, the
Arab conquerors did not try to exterminate
Christianity, but by the 11th century its
last adherents had submitted. The struggle
between Shi’a and Sunni wracked both
provinces as it did the rest of the Islamic
world, and after the brief ascendancy of the
Fatimids in the decades just after the millennium,
both Libyan provinces became solidly Sunni
and remain so.
Christian rule returned briefly in 1510,
when the king-emperor Charles V captured Tripoli
and turned it into a powerful fortress. In
1524 the Spanish garrison handed it over to
the Knights of Malta, who held it until the
Turks captured it from them in 1551. Ottoman
sultans thereafter claimed authority over
both Tripoli and Cyrenaica, but rarely managed
to enforce it and the local rulers acted autonomously.
Tripoli in particular became noted as a pirate
Sanusi's Influence
Turkey’s attempted revival in the late
1850s led to new attempts to assert authority
in the two provinces. But the wandering holy
man Mohammed bin Ali al-Sanusi had much more
influence. The Sanusi Order he founded preached
a return to the simple faith and moral code
of early Islam. He found willing listeners
in both provinces, and the Sanusi Order became
the most powerful social force in both provinces.
Followers had to maintain a sane and normal
lifestyle: to eat and dress normally, reject
stimulants and voluntary poverty, reject self-mutilation
or the orgiastic dances of the Sufi, and maintain
themselves through wage-earning work rather
than solicitation of alms.

Italian troops pose with massacred prisoners
outside Tripoli, 1911.
Italian traders began to filter into the
provinces in the late 1880s, after France
formally annexed neighboring Tunis in 1884.
Other European powers recognized Italy’s
“sphere of interest” there, though
Turkey did not, and in 1911 when Italy objected
to the Turkish Army’s recruitment of
tribal irregular cavalry in the interior,
the Turks ignored them. That provided enough
excuse for war, and in October 1911, 35,000
Italian troops landed and seized the major
port cities.
The Turkish garrison of 5,000 fought back
as best they could, withdrawing inland to
join with the Sanusi-led tribes to undertake
hit-and-run raids against Italian garrisons.
Inspired by Turkey’s best young officer,
Mustafa Kemal, the Turks and their allies
kept the Italians from making any major advances;
but the crisis of the Balkan Wars forced Turkey
to make peace. Italy annexed both territories,
but the sultan’s diplomats finagled
a clause in the peace treaty granting the
Turks control over religious courts in both
provinces. Since Shari’at law recognizes
no distinction between religious and civil
law, this in effect kept the sultan’s
judges in control of civil affairs. The Turks
used their judicial beachhead to keep up pressure
on the Italians, encouraging both armed resistance
and civil disobedience.
The First World War brought Italy and Turkey
back into conflict, and the Turks quickly
increased their aid to the Sanusi. Raiders
struck throughout the provinces, but things
fell apart when the Sanusi followed their
Turkish advisors on an ill-considered invasion
of Egypt in 1916. The Sanusi leadership fled,
leaving the order in the hands of the young
Muhammed Idris al-Sanusi, who negotiated a
truce with the British and Italians that left
him in control of Cyrenaica’s interior.
After the war, the Italian government attempted
to placate the Arabs of Cyrenaica while subjugating
those of Tripolitania. When Benito Mussolini
came to power in 1922, he wholeheartedly endorsed
the military solution. Once the Treaty of
Lausanne formally conceded Italian rule in
Libya, Mussolini began to pour in troops,
aircraft and weapons.

The Lion of the Desert takes ship for
Mecca, sometime in the 1920s.
The Lion of the Desert
A brutal war raged in Cyrenaica. Idris had
fled to Egypt, and the tribal sheik Umar al
Mukhtar, the “Lion of the Desert,”
conducted the resistance. As a boy of 16,
Umar al-Mukhtar had killed a feared lion with
a shotgun, and became a legendary Sanusi commander
in the 1911-1912 war. “I will not leave
my country until I meet my God,” he
told Italian officials offering luxurious
exile. “Death is my companion, and I
await it with every breath.”
The Italians could not track down his small
bands of horsemen despite overwhelming numbers,
and under Gen. Rudolfo Graziani the fascists
resorted to fearsome terror tactics. Italian troops
— which included large numbers of Eritrean askaris,
volunteers from East Africa with few of the
moral qualms exhibited by Italian draftees
— rounded up women and children and
forced them into squalid camps. They slaughtered
herds of cattle and camels, destroyed wells,
and built a massive fence along 200 miles
of the Egyptian border.
Aircraft and armored cars constantly patrolled
the frontier, shooting up columns of supplies
and reinforcements trying to make their way
in from Egypt, or of refugees trying to escape
the hellish conditions of Mussolini’s
first war. Aircraft sprayed mustard gas on
any Bedouins spotted in Cyrenaica, regardless
of age, gender or armament. In the al-Barayka
concentration camp alone, 30,000 of 80,000
inmates died between 1930 and 1932. Italian
officials seized small children, whether orphans
or not, to be raised in military institutions
and ultimately inducted into the Italian colonial
But the resistance continued, though it dwindled.
Not until 1931 did Umar al Mukhtar’s
last base of operations, Kufrah Oasis, fall
to a determined attack by tanks and Eritrean
infantry, supported by heavy air strikes.
The old guerilla was placed before a military
tribunal, where his Italian military lawyer, Artillery Capt. Roberto Lontano,
put on a spirited defense pointing out that
he had never accepted Italian rule, owed allegiance
to the Sultan and had to be treated as a prisoner
of war. Mussolini would have none of it, and
ordered him hung in Suluk on 16 September
1931 before 20,000 Libyans forcibly assembled
for the spectacle. Without their leader, the
resistance collapsed, and in 1934 Mussolini
made Libya an Italian colony of four provinces.

A lion in chains. Graziani poses with his
Fascist Modernization
Fascist policy seized on places like Libya
to show off the political movement’s
modernizing force, and state investment poured
into the backward colony. Roads, railroads,
water projects and many other improvements
sprang up within a few years. These were not
intended for the benefit of Libya’s
Arab-Berber population, but rather for the
waves of Italian colonists expected to settle
on “Italy’s Fourth Shore”
during the coming decades.
The first mass group arrived in October 1938,
20,000 drawn from the ranks of Italy’s
urban unemployed. Within a year, 110,000 Italian
civilians had settled in Libya and been assigned
the best agricultural land. Though often portrayed
as endless desert, Libya does possess some
well-watered regions particularly in Cyrenaica
where there are heavy forests in the Djebel
region, and the Italians foresaw olive oil
becoming a major export. Mussolini believed
that by 1960 a half-million Italians would
live there and Islam would lose its cultural
hold and become purely a religious choice
of the people he called “Muslim Italians.”
Though they lost their prime lands, for the
first time Libya’s local population
received modern medical care and the state
undertook to replace at its own cost the hundreds
of thousands of animals it had slaughtered
during the Sanusi War.
The Second World War ended Mussolini’s
dreams. Libya came under British military
administration and then passed to the United
Nations. The Soviet Union demanded trusteeship
of Tripolitania, and after much diplomatic
wrangling Libya was declared an independent
state in December 1951, with Idris as its
king. Ninety percent of the population was
illiterate, and an economic survey undertaken
by the United Nations to aid the new government
listed “battlefield scrap steel”
as the country’s only natural resource.
By the end of the decade that assessment would
change, but that’s another story.
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