Naval Infantry
in the Defense of Berlin
By Mike Bennighof, Ph.D.
June 2013
With Soviet troops massing only a few dozen
kilometers away from the German capital, all
branches of the Nazi empire began to offer
up their reserves of manpower to defend Berlin
— all while most of the capable, veteran
mobile formations of the regular Army were
diverted to other fronts in Silesia and especially
Grand Admiral Karl Dönitz, the German
Kriegsmarine’s commander-in-chief, would
not be outdone in displays of loyalty. When
Heinrich Himmler and Hermann Goering promised
to provide tens of thousands of new troops
during a meeting with Adolf Hitler on 6 April
1945, Dönitz offered up 12,000 navy personnel
as well — and unlike the other Nazi
barons, Dönitz more or less delivered.
These troops appear in our Road
to Berlin in their own colors.

Imperial marines storm a French-held position
in Flanders, 1914.
Imperial Germany maintained marines, who
fought the Empire’s colonial campaigns
in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
The “Sea Battalions” were made
up of tough, long-service professionals and
these were the troops that Kaiser Wilhelm
II urged to act like Huns during the Boxer
Rebellion, and who massacred at least 70,000
people during the Herero War of 1904 in South-West
Africa (Namibia).
During the Great War, the marines formed
most of the 3rd Naval Division, which was
created in 1917 and participated in Germany’s
final 1918 offensives. In small units they
had participated in the siege of Antwerp in
1914, but mostly provided security for naval
bases. In September 1914 the Navy formed regiments
of “Marine Fusiliers,” surplus
naval personnel plus new recruits from Germany’s
port cities. The 1st Naval Division fought
during the siege of Antwerp and the 2nd Naval
Division was formed afterward. These two
units made up the Naval Corps, which anchored
the far right flank of the German line in
Flanders with responsibility for coast defense.
By 1918 they were officially rated as “fourth-class”
divisions; by 1915 they had even been forced
to give up their Mauser rifles for issue to
front-line troops and had been given captured
Russian Mosin-Nagant pieces instead.
The naval divisions formed in 1945 were
a new generation of this type of formation;
though sometimes called “marines”
by English-language writers they were in no
way equivalent to the old Sea Battalions or
the United States Marine Corps. These were
instead hastily raised divisions, maintained
under naval authority to help boost the Kriegsmarine’s
political standing among the assorted Nazi
hierarchies — just as police and even
firemen went to the front in their own formations,
led by their own officers.
Germany lost her colonies in the Versailles
peace accords, and together with the colonies
went the rationale for the Sea Battalions.
The post-war Reichsmarine maintained base
security detachments, and by the late 1930s
the Kriegsmarine had added “Marine Assault
Companies” — actual marines in
the American sense of the word. These troops
took part in the first action of World War
II in Europe, attacking the Polish naval base
at Westerplatte in Danzig’s harbor under
covering fire from the ancient battleship
Schleswig-Holstein. The Poles resisted stoutly,
and the marines did not emerge from their
first action with a very high military reputation.
Kriegsmarine ground units continued to see
action over the next several years, but always
as the result of emergencies where security
detachments or base personnel were drawn into
the fighting — for example, in the defense
of Novorossisk in 1942, at Messina in 1943
or at Sevastopol in 1944. Otherwise, they
were not seen as true ground combat elements.
Coast defense artillery had been part of the
Reichsmarine, and expanded greatly to protect
the shores of occupied Europe from Allied
invasion. But these gunners, who included
a large contingent of anti-aircraft troops,
were definitely not considered combat forces.
In April 1940, crews from destroyers sunk
in the Narvik operation formed three small
ad hoc battalions that took part in defense
of the Norwegian port alongside German mountain
troops. They were led by their own officers
and armed with weapons taken from the Norwegian
6th Division’s arsenal, which had been
overrun by the mountaineers. But as soon as
the operation was concluded, these units
were dissolved and the men became sailors
As German forces fell back from France,
the Soviet Union and the Balkans, naval personnel
became involved in ground fighting at numerous
locations. By November 1944, the Navy had
taken its cue from the Air Force and began
to form an infantry brigade for coast defense
on the North Sea. By February it was on its
way to Stettin for front-line service as the
1st Naval Infantry Division. The unit received
a cadre of officers from the Army, including
a new commander, Maj. Gen. Wilhelm Bleckwenn,
and was organized along the Army’s 1945
tables. It fought, usually poorly, for the
remainder of the war on the northern flank
of the German line on the Oder River.
2nd Naval Infantry Division formed in Schleswig-Holstein
in March 1945 and went to the front in April
(again, with the infusion of an Army cadre
including a new commander) and fought the
British and Canadians around Bremen. Three
more “divisions” (the 3rd, 11th
and 16th) were ordered formed, but none seem
to have seen much action, if any.
Additionally, large numbers of Kriegsmarine
personnel were tranferred directly to units
at the front during April. The 20th Panzer
Grenadier Division fighting in front of Berlin
received several thousand Kriegsmarine replacements
and sent them into action still wearing their
naval uniforms.
Sailors also were sent to the 32nd SS Grenadier
Division, also in their old uniforms (a blessing
in this case, as the Soviets rarely took prisoners
clad in SS camouflage). Small naval units
also showed up as ad hoc reinforcements alongside
the Volkssturm and police units rushed to
the front, including several hundred trainees
from the Kriegsmarine’s radar school
— that the Navy was still training radar
operators with the Soviets smashing their
way into the capital goes far to illustrate
the Nazi state’s “efficiency.”
The naval troops in Road to Berlin are
of poor quality, with much lower firepower
than regular Army units and lower morale.
They appear to have been armed with captured
weaponry for the most part, and suffered from
serious ammunition shortages as a result.
The ratio of Navy to Army officers in the
front lines is hard to determine, and in the
game they draw their leaders from the general
Army pool.
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