Combat Cruiser
By Mike Bennighof, Ph.D.
October 2015
In the years following the First World War,
the Marine Nationale planned a whole series
of fast ships suited to long-range attacks
on enemy commerce. These would give France
a means to challenge the much larger navies
of Britain or the United States in case of
a future war with one of them.
Several countries studied “flight
deck cruisers,” a combination of cruiser
and aircraft carrier, but these ideas almost
all collapsed under the harsh pressure of
reality. Aircraft of the time needed a lengthy
flight deck for take-offs and landings, and
were very susceptible to cross winds on these
decks. The half-and-half schemes, with gun
turrets forward and flight decks aft, created
difficult wind patterns and proved impracticable.
The French program of 1922 proposed two
large (30,000 ton) “aircraft-carrying
cruisers.” No design sketches were submitted,
and it’s unclear if these would have
been hybrid vessels or if the term simply implies
a high-speed conventional aircraft carrier.
These ships would not have met the standards
of the Washington Naval Limitations Treaties,
and so afterwards a new proposal for a “combat
cruiser” arose among French naval planners.

Striking aircraft below aboard the French
carrier Béarn.
The treaty limited battleships to 35,000 tons,
and many navies contemplated building 17,500-ton
“cruiser killers” of high speed,
heavy armament and light armor. These designs
usually carried 11- or 12-inch guns, enough
to stand well beyond the range of the eight-inch
guns to which “Treaty Cruisers”
were limited. We’ve looked before at cruiser
killer designs contemplated by the German
Weimar Republic and the Royal
Netherlands Navy, and many other fleets
had similar thoughts. None actually built them,
A request for a design came in 1925 from
the Navy directly to the Service Technique,
bypassing the Technical Committee. The plan
they requested featured two quadruple turrets
for 12-inch guns, located “en echelon”
amidships. This went against the Technical
Committee’s thoughts on ship deign;
turrets en echelon were considered poor design
as one turret could not effectively fire across
the ship. Some proponents countered that the
ship’s high speed would allow it to
twist and turn, firing both gun turrets at
a single opponent.
This ridiculous answer (not unusual in a
bureaucratic setting and the sure sign of
deeply entrenched egos at play) masked another
problem. The Technical Committee liked the
quadruple turret very much, but it had a very
wide base and armored barbette underneath
it. A ship would need very fine lines (and
thus a relatively narrow beam) to generate
the sort of speeds the Navy demanded. Fitting
two wide turrets in the “wing”
positions would be a very difficult design
But the echelon arrangement had its advantages.
It greatly reduced the amount of the ship
that would need heavy armor — though
concentrating so much weight amidships would
likely cause her to become swaybacked. It
also freed the forward and after parts of
the ship for aircraft arrangements. The combat
cruiser was to carry eight seaplanes to help
her scout for enemy merchant shipping, and
seaplanes did not by definition make the ship
an “aircraft carrier” for treaty

Another view of Béarn and her
elevator. Note the massive crane (also
planned for the combat cruiser).
The ship’s logical inconsistencies finally
doomed her. Though she carried a large number
of seaplanes, she would depend on her high speed
to carry out her mission. Seaplanes could only
be recovered by coming to a near stop. Her lack
of armor also bothered many French naval leaders,
and they opted instead for a more traditional
(though still highly innovative) design with
the Dunkerque-class battle cruisers.
War at Sea: U.S. Navy Plan Gold is
based on the plans of the United States and
France to fight one another, without the limitations
of the Washington treaties. However, the game
does include the combat cruiser. Even though
it was a Treaty-inspired design, it was also
responsible for mid-1920s tension between
French naval officers on one hand and those
from Britain and the United States on the
other (politicians and the general public
do not seem to have been aware of the controversy).
There was also a brief spate of unofficial
war planning; and as the actual Plan Gold
never achieved much detail, these musings
are actually a better basis for game scenarios
than many of the real Franco-American war
Hector Bywater and Maurice Prendergrast
penned a piece in the November 1925 issue
of U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings (a journal intended for naval officers and
other professionals, with content ranging
from the coma-inducing to surprisingly moving)
describing the fictional exploits of a French
combat cruiser named Indomptable.
Though set in an Anglo-French naval war
of the near future, the Royal Navy is clearly
a stand-in for the U.S. Fleet in this publication
unofficially sponsored by the U.S. Navy
(in those days, its offices stood on the
grounds of the U.S. Naval Academy). Bywater’s
novel Great
Pacific War would later become famous
as a “predictor” of World War
II in the Pacific (and inspired a scenario
in our own Great
Pacific War game).
In their tale of French depredations, Indomptable rampages through the West Indies, sinking
British cruisers and merchants with abandon
and escaping from British battle cruisers
using her very high speed. The article caused
a minor sensation among Proceedings readers, leading to consideration of how the
U.S. Navy would fight such a ship. And so
we have some of the centerpiece scenarios
of our game.
Our combat cruiser takes into account the
objections of the Technical Committee and
the obvious difficulties of mounting such
a large turret en echelon on a ship of such
narrow beam. One variant has two double turrets
mounted en echelon; the other a single quadruple
turret (the variant more likely to have been
chosen) sited dead amidships. Both variants
are otherwise identical, with high speed and
operating eight to ten seaplanes (meaning
that, in game terms, each carries two seaplane
The fore-and-aft aircraft arrangements appear
rather awkward, but that’s what the
French seem to have planned and Bywater hints
that this is the layout of his Indomptable (the aircraft never play much of a part in
his tale). She has a catapult at either end,
with a matching aircraft hangar under the
adjacent superstructure. Repair shops, munitions
and fuel stowage and other support spaces
would be doubled in this design for little
additional benefit. But with ship-borne aircraft
still quite a novelty in the 1920s, perhaps
the effort and expense would have been worthwhile.
Players can judge for themselves in Plan Gold's scenarios
featuring the combat cruiser.
Click here to order U.S.
Navy Plan Gold now!
Mike Bennighof is president of Avalanche Press and holds a doctorate in history from Emory University. A Fulbright Scholar and award-winning journalist, he has published over 100 books, games and articles on historical subjects.
He lives in Birmingham, Alabama with his wife, three children and his dog, Leopold.