


FDR's Lost Battleships:
Carrier Cards, Ship Data Sheet

By Mike Bennighof, Ph.D.
September 2014

Our MidSummer 2014 Golden Journal includes a large variant for Second World War at Sea: Midway and Coral Sea, featuring the warships the U.S. Navy could have had in early 1942 had President Roosevelt not caved in to Republican demands to slash the 1937 federal budget in the face of the Great Depression's lingering effects. The Journal issue includes 25 lovely scorchless, sootless laser-cut playing pieces showing these ships and aircraft, plus some scenario info on how to use them.

Here we have some downloadable play aids for the variant:

Alliance carrier card

America carrier card

FDR's Lost Battleships ship data sheet

The Golden Journal is only available to members of the Gold Club. Click here to find out how to join.