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News Page
Our news page is now open with news. See it right here (updated 25 July 2024).

Daily Content

Royal Thai Navy: The King’s Ships, Part Two
26 July 2024: We wrap up a two-part look at the ships of the Royal Thai Navy; you can play with them in our upcoming Java Sea: Royal Thai Navy. You can order it here.

An Army at Dawn: Scenario Preview, Part Six
25 July 2024: We continue a new scenario preview of Panzer Grenadier: An Army at Dawn's new Playbook edition, releasing soon. You can order right here.

Risk Fleet: The British
24 July 2024: We look at the new British ships found in our upcoming Great War at Sea: Risk Fleet. You can order it here.

Fire & Sword: Scenario Preview, Part Six
23 July 2024: We resume a seven-part look at the scenarios of the upcoming Fire & Sword. You can order it here.

The Emperor’s Sword: Now Split in Twain

22 July 2024:
We decided to split the upcoming Second World War at Sea: The Emperor's Sword into two expansion sets; read why here. It's a Gold Club exclusive.

An Army at Dawn: Map Preview
21 July 2024: We gaze upon the maps of Panzer Grenadier: An Army at Dawn's new Playbook edition. You can order right here.

Rise of the Dragon: Chinese Cruisers
20 July 2024: We sing of the cruisers planned for the Imperial Chinese Navy, seen in Great War at Sea: Rise of the Dragon. You can order it here.

Big Red One: Scenario Preview, Part Two
19 July 2024: We continue a three-part look into the scenarios of An Army at Dawn: Big Red One, our next Campaign Study. You can order it here.

9 April 1940: Publisher’s Preview

18 July 2024:
We take a deep look into our upcoming Golden Journal No. 60: 9 April 1940 is all about the German invasion of Denmark - it's a Gold Club exclusive.

The Pragmatic Sanction
17 July 2024: We talk about the scrap of paper that started it all. Our upcoming Soldier Kings: Pragmatic Sanction is a Gold Club exclusive.

Fire & Sword: Scenario Preview, Part Five
16 July 2024: We resume a seven-part look at the scenarios of the upcoming Fire & Sword. You can order it here.

Ochi: Publisher’s Preview

15 July 2024:
We take a deep dive into our upcoming Golden Journal No. 63: Ochi, all about the 1940 Italian invasion of Greece, for Panzer Grenadier - it's a Gold Club exclusive.

Stalin’s Tanks: Publisher’s Preview
14 July 2024: We take a long and deep look into our upcoming Golden Journal No. 54: Stalin’s Tanks. It's a Gold Club exclusive.

Kingdom of Hawaii: Publisher’s Preview
13 July 2024: We take a long and deep look into our upcoming Great War at Sea: Kingdom of Hawaii. You can order it here.












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Fire and Sword
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An Army at Dawn
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Big Red One
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Royal Thai Navy
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Rise of the Dragon
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Dragon's Teeth
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Remember the Maine
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Wicked Sisters
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Golden Journal 50
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1940: Polish Exiles
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Java Sea
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Dogger Bank
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Indian Empires
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Fleets: La Royale
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North Sea 1914
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Jutland 2nd Edition
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Russo-Japanese War
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